I'm in it for the kicks

A random Sunday afternoon activity, ganked from the archives of my LiveJournal. I included some comments for my own amusement.

Go to urbandictionary.com and type in your answer to each question in the search box, then write a definition it gives you...

1) Your name?


"The third gender."
"Look at that guy over there."
"That's not a guy!"
"Okay then, look at that girl over there."
"It's not a girl either."
"What is it?"
"That's a Katana."

Just for kicks, I looked up Kat, and uh, got this...


"A total awesome, fun loving person that is totally out going, can be quite a flirt, loves to flirt, really good at flirting, can be a great kisser, can resist temptaion, loves to read, can be a bitch at times but takes it as a compliment... has great curves!!!! lovely hair and pretty looks too."

...and I snorted SO hard.

2) Your age?


"The fake age of majority.
Face it, you're a child until you're 21.

3) One of your friends?


NOt there. Let's go with...Waffle(s)!

"Like a pancake with syrup traps."


4) What should you be doing?

"Great to procrastinate to. Usually half assed."

True that.

5) Favorite color?

"An amazing and attractive color very much like teal."

6) Hometown?
St. Charles

"Saint of the great Charles, Miss.
1. To be used as a term of greatness for a female cat.
2. To describe enthusiasm for the being of charles."

7) Month of your birthday

"The idea of perfection. The 8th Month of the year in certain European and Asian cultures signifies greatness in achieving perfection, or something close to it."

8) Last person you talked to on the phone?
My dad

"Not just related to you by blood, but someone who really ares about you and what you feel, very important to kids living with their moms."


9)Who do you really care about?

"People who are aware of how retarded you are and still manage to be seen in public with you. people who make you laugh till you pee your pants. people who cry for you when one of your special items disappear. when you dont have enough money to get a ice cream, they chip in. knows all of your internet passwords. who would never make you cry just to be mean."


10) What are you listening to?
Skype conversation

"Technology that may re-introduce the concept of hands-free conversation to a whole new generation. Like all new technologies, it has the potential for evil as well as for good.
