Hello there. =^^= Kitty here. Welcome to my site. Feel free to look around. Please read my rants and comment if you have the time. Also, keep an eye out for any manga or fanart updates. If you'd like to chat, feel free to pm me. I'd be happy to talk. Enjoy. =^^=

Other than that, if you don't mind my rants, then read on.

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Keep an eye out here for any update on the Mystery Mini-Project I'm working on. If you figure out what it is I'm going to be doing, you're welcome to speculation, I won't confirm or deny any theories until the right time =3 Thanks for your support~! =D

Other places you might see artwork from me:

DeviantArt: MangaKeri
Tumblr: mangakeri13

Testing this feature here. Since theO doesn't seem to support the default embed I was given, I've finagled it a little so it will show here. This image will take you to a button that takes you to the page XD

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Background Make Comment Box Go ByeBye =(

Why do I have so many issues with comments? XD; Yep, as long as the K-On background is involved, the comment box doesn't show up. I can still comment on things like posts, but wherever there's the fancy bg involved, I'd have to use FireFox *shrugs* Ah well...

Steadily trying to complete things in preparation for the end of the semester. I figured I could kill two birds with one stone and incorporate a project for one class as my portfolio structure, in a sense.

In the meantime, I'm gonna get a short nap so I can work straight XD; Ja, mata ne!

Make Me Laugh

Hey guys. It's coming down to the wire with college and things are as busy as ever as I scramble to gather my sh...tuff and prepare to graduate. Every bit I get done brings me closer to more free time and time to get back to all those art things left on the dusty shelf... However, I'm still super stressed out in the meantime =o_o;=

So I thought maybe I'd put up a post where everyone leaves comments with funny anecdotes or links to funny videos. So it's not really just making me laugh, but also anyone else who's curious could get a laugh, too. I'll start things off myself with my all-time favorite moment from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (Yes, the-O's prank actually made me curious enough to watch it XD And I actually like it X3)

Here we see some of the ponies of Ponyville have been... cursed?! And Fluttershy's part of the curse has to be the funniest (Make sure you turn up the volume a little so you can hear):

I'm waiting for the next episode to broadcast, and I think it's today. There's only 3 left in the series, so I think I should wait until 2 weeks from now and watch them all at once, maybe? I've been watching 100 Deeds for Eddie McDowd in the meantime XD; Ah, nostalgia X3

So Yuss! Now you guys say, do, or show something that'll make people laugh! =D Spread the laughter X3 I'm off now~! Mata ne~! <3

Updates on Lief

Well, my brothers' birthday was Tuesday =3 I tried to draw them something in time, but My whole previous weekend was taken up <=( I didn't make it in time, so I shal have to get back to it. My friend's birthday is next week, but I wonder if I can get him something in time since I'm going to be working hard this weekend (and probably every weekend till the end of the semester) as well. *sigh*

I managed to get the unit's work done for one of my classes, so all that's left for that one is the last project, but there's still much to be done for other ones. Since I got that out of the way, I can go finish Aberius' post before I move onto the next project. =^_^;=

I'll be so happy when all my work is done =;u;/= But no getting there if I'm sittin' here chattin XD Off I go *sobs while smiling* =TTvTT= Ja mata atode~

Gah, comment issues again DX

I'm having issues with my comments again... I won't load the box, it just leads to a separate page. So I can't comment or reply... I think it has to do with the fact that I just upgraded to IE 9... Ah well =(

In other news, I'm still alive XD;; Just trying to get things done in order to graduate. And I just found out that I'm not set up to graduate this semester! D=> Apparently if you pass the original graduation date, you have to have it reset to a new one, and Spring 2011 isn't an option, so I had to send my advisor an email. We'll see what happens, cuz it's gonna suck if I have to wait until Fall to graduate...

On a lighter note, my friend (the guy I like) and I are getting along better X3 We've been laughing so hard today. We tease each other all the time X3 It's great. My main problem is that I'm TOO attracted to him, so I have to keep myself from practically mauling him! D= And don't think I haven't had plenty of opportunities... But I think I should hold off a bit longer, like when schoolwork lightens up, because he's a generally busy person, but I'm also very very busy this semester. But he's so hawt... orz *sobs* He was wearing jeans with a rip in the thigh the other day and I caught a glimpse of his creamy skin~ Gosh, I'm such a spazoid XD;; And the funny thing is, we're opposite and he frustrates me a lot... I don't bother to hide that I'm frustrated anymore XD And I'm still attracted to him... Maybe even moreso than I used to be. Guess before it was more or less an infatuation and now I'm starting to like him more and more for who he is... Ah, gosh, I can hear my own heart beating from a mile away XD; It's just discouraging to hear him always talk about how much he enjoys being single =/;; However~ Our chemistry has upped, so I at the very least feel like he's attracted to me on some level X3 So I have to keep myself on a leash for a bit longer... May's just around the corner~

I need to be able to control my dreams precisely so I can at least live out the things I'd like to be doing in real life in the dream world... But no, if I did, I don't think I'd ever get out of bed XD lol

Ah well, I'mma let this end here for now. Ja, mata ne, minna-san~

I finished... *collapses*

That infernal project is finally fixed, commented, and turned in! *flops* I was so fed up with it! DX But it works, so fine.

I didn't even have a chance to get to my other homework or the post for Raine orz I'll have to see if I can post tomorrow *sobs* Don't hate me for being late, ppl...

I'm gonna freak out here... there's so little time left and still so much to do before graduation! *sobs* I was hoping to knock some stuff out this weekend, but the infernal php monster had its claws in me. Bah! Gotta do what I can, tho...

After I graduate, I can feel proud and happy about having some free time. X3 Then it's off to get a job. orz Hope I find one where I fit in XD;;

Ah wel, that's it =3 Mata ne~