Hello there. =^^= Kitty here. Welcome to my site. Feel free to look around. Please read my rants and comment if you have the time. Also, keep an eye out for any manga or fanart updates. If you'd like to chat, feel free to pm me. I'd be happy to talk. Enjoy. =^^=

Other than that, if you don't mind my rants, then read on.

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Keep an eye out here for any update on the Mystery Mini-Project I'm working on. If you figure out what it is I'm going to be doing, you're welcome to speculation, I won't confirm or deny any theories until the right time =3 Thanks for your support~! =D

Other places you might see artwork from me:

DeviantArt: MangaKeri
Tumblr: mangakeri13

Testing this feature here. Since theO doesn't seem to support the default embed I was given, I've finagled it a little so it will show here. This image will take you to a button that takes you to the page XD

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Secret Revealed! =D

I have just finished my "Secret Project...!"

It is... another animation! =DD *spazzes* You can watch it here!

I hope you guy like it... It might be off in a couple places, but I worked hard on it =>_<= Enjoy! =D

Workin... and Stuff...

Personal project almost done...

Will work on request and arttrade after it's done...

Dad still in hospital...

Tried 5-hour Energy for the first time today...

It just ran out...


Ja ne... *snooze*

Halfway done in 2 Days...?! =O_o;=

I started cleaning my room yesterday and it's still really only halfway done... I kept geting zapped of motivation and took 3 short naps... Not to mention sitting down and looking through papers to see whether or not I should keep them. I guess that's also cleaning, but I get caught up in some of my old stuff XD;;

Did I mention I bought a new bookshelf?! 8D I plan to assemble it after my room's clean and get rid of the old, smaller one. We might use it elswhere, or just give it away, or even toss it out. =>~<;= I dunno. It just tries to shut my brain whenever I try to figure out how I'm gonna sort all this junk... I'm a bit of a packrat. I've learned to just throw things away over the years, but I still feel bad throwing things out. Like, I wonder "Will I need this later? Is it useful?" Things like that.

I'll be happy when the new bookshelf is up, since it's big, I can put more of my stuff on it rather than piled up somewhere else. I'm trying to get rid of a lot of stuff, especially clothes. You wouldn't believe the pile of dirty clothes I have because I know when I wash them, they're not all going to fit in my drawers... orz That's my next goal... new dressers.

Anyway, it's made me quite tired. My dad's still in the hospital and he seemed like he was doing better according to my mom. However, my dumb uncle let slip that grandma died (because we all know that dad forgot a lot of stuff and was putting information together). Well, actually, he didn't say it straight, he let one detail slip and then dad inquired more about why he said that. My uncle kept saying "She's no longer with us" and wouldn't just say it straight... I'm not particularly fond of him in the first place. He tried to pawn it off on my mom saying "Oh I guess I really stepped in it now, why don't you take it from here?" and she's all like "No, you started it, you finish it." Which I agree with. *facepalms* Somehow I knew he was going to say something... At the same time, it might be for the best if dad found out now. If he has difficulty coping, he'll be within reach of doctors. But maybe he might cope with it well enough. It won't really be easy, though. *sigh*

I've ranted enough. Now I'm making myself feel worse. =ono= No MotP tonight. I'm tired. =~.~;= Ja mata. *snooze*

Sucked Into the Meme Vortex...

1. Hold breath.
2. Hold down the period (.) button.
3. Unhold it when you have to breathe again.
4. GO!!!


XD; Okay well I dunno if that's good or bad, but I guess that's how I did XD

*stares at new bookshelf box and drools* =@A@= It's right theres in in front of meh, but I can't has it just yet =@__@;= But I shall has it soooooon... Now off to eat and watch a little Groove Adventure Rave (or Rave Master to those who've only seen it in English), then to writing part 2 of MotP: The Training Chronicles, then to whichever other task I said I'd do today XD *cleans room and cries* ;;OTZ *sobs*

Ja mata ne all you people who I wants to marry and run awai with! =;A;/=~<3 *is being weird because she can... Blame it on Takaichan* XDD

More Postponement...

I'll be uploading the next part of MotP tomorrow morning since I've been at the hospital and running to stores all day. Dad's still going to be there for a bit longer because his speech is incoherent. We couldn't understand half of what he was trying to say. He seems to be improving slightly. I think he just needs some rest and care and he'll start getting back to normal, though it'll be tougher this time around since he'll be sad about his mom/my grandmother passing. Even so, we're all praying he'll be able to cope ='u'=

On the bright side and unrelated to the previous note, I finally got a new bookshelf, and it was only $26. =D I'd been talking about how I need a bigger bookshelf because the one that I have is a kiddy bookshelf that I've had since I was 4 or 5 and since I'm getting more manga, I'm running out of room =( But I have it now! So all that needs to be done is to straighten up my room and assemble it! It's taller than me, so it might be heavy, and my mom doesn't want me to do it alone =o~o= I understand that, I'm just a wee bit anxious to conserve space XD

For tonight, I shall rest. =) Tomorrow, I'll see if I can straighten my room and get to work on a request and of course, upload the next MotP. =3 Things are going okay X3 Mata ne =D