Why is it That...?

... I've lost 2 subscribers? orz *sobsob*

I've noticed that occasionaly I'd have one less subscriber, but I've grown quite attached to all of them especially since I've hit 100... I'm a little wary that it might drop below that and I'll be back to the double digits... *megasobsob*

On another note, karaoke was fun yesterday. X3 Went to Mitsuwa first... I'm intimidated by the food court... I would like to order something, but I'm a-scared to. XD;; So I usually wind up not eating or maybe getting something at the bakery. Since my friend gave me some of her fries, I didn't go to the bakery this time... I was still somewhat full from eating pizza before I left, but I should have gotten some spinach-bacon pan before I left just in case I got hungry... That's why you get headaches you idjiot! XD *smacks self* Lolol I also discovered the soft-drink, Calpico. It's very tasty P= ~<3 I tried strawberry flavor... I think I'll try the aloe flavor next, just because I want to be unusual XD;;

I'm still rather tired, since I didn't get to bed until 2 and I had to wake up at around 6am since my mother was taking my brothers out to practice driving the expressway... And later she wants us to go to our grandparents' houses. So if I'm not up by 10, then I'll probably have to wait until we get back before I upload at PGR =P I also wanted to use today to hammer out some ideas for my new senior project. I got the general idea approved, I just need to pick a plot and get to work on storyboarding. X3 This one'll be much easier I will say, but I won't give full details until I have the whole thing approved with the professor~ I'm happy that I got the original idea approved with one of the more laid-back professors because I don't have to feel so nervous about changing it... XD *exhales*

... I've discovered that my typing has gotten somewhat faster... Even though I don't technically use the traditional form of typing where you keep your hands on the middle row... I just let my hands wander over the keyboard as they please... Granted, that makes me have more typos, but it works for me. When I know what I'm going to say and don't think about it, my hands just kind of do the wwork for me... And now typing just got harder for me because I'm thinking about the fact that I'm typing faster XD Lololol I'm happy though, I used to think that because I didn't want to do it the conventional way that I wouldn't be able to type fast enough XD We're past the days where we have to use typewriters for everything, but typing fast has its own advantages...

I ranted a lot more than I thought I was going to... when I start talking it all just comes spilling out... hence a rant XD; Lol I'll leave it here and go get some more rest, but not before I say one thing. And that is... I really love all you guys! XD A lot of you take the time to read through these rants and commetn on my fanart and stuff and for that, I really want to and have to say thank you from the bottom of my heart! X3 *grabs you all in a massive bear hug*

That's all for this rant. Mata ne, minna-san!~
