Why is it So Hard...?

... to find a decent clip of Sasuke speaking? =o_o;= I mean, I just spent SOOOO much time just trying to find one tiny decent clip of Sasuke for my voice meme and all that comes up are a bunch of bogus links and whatnot. DO THESE PEOPLE HAVE NOTHING BETTER TO DO?! DX I mean, it'd be fine if I was looking for a laugh, but when I'm looking for something serious, it's really annoying. I found one, but now I'm thinking, I should've just looked for a young version of Sasuke instead... The voices are the same, but he just doesn't get as worked up in Shippuden. Plus, I didn't want to use a ref from an episode I haven't watched yet, cuz that'd spoil it for me.

Now Most of my day is gone and I start classes tomorrow and I didn't get much time to do what I wanted! Where the HELL did my day go?! DX

Not like I'm not looking forward to classes tomorrow, but I hate wasting the last day of Summer vacation when the time is so precious... orz Well, it's out of the way, I guess I'll go wash the clothes and stuff. =-_-;= I'll just replace it later if I feel like it... Sorry to rant. Well, no, not entirely, but sorry if my rant has bothered you guys XD;;

... I want to get home quickly tomorrow XD Which is highly likely since it's the first day. *nod nod* I'm going to go draw for a bit before I go soak in the tub X3 I need to learn how to multitask and prioritize XD;;

Oh, but before I go, how is the school year starting for you guys? =3 Ja ne, minna san! =D *waves*
