Sadly, No More Character Uploads...

... at least for a few days. I've been trying to work on the next one but after work I had been tired and left it for the next day. Then the next day, I got into an argument with my family about how I only care about myself and my boyfriend and my project and I'm a coward, etc. etc...

And since it's Spring Break, you know what happens... Mothers get taken over by the urge to do all the cleaning and beautifying projects they can't do during the school year (or at least in my mom's case since she works for the school system.). I was up late trying to do more on the next character and STILL couldn't finish... and then I get woken up because apparently I didn't put everything into a box... And then I apparently forgot some stuff I left on the wall... blargh...

Tomorrow's a work day and my day to do dishes, so I probably won't get it done tomorrow, either... I'm beginning to get frustrated with all these interruptions. It's at these points I get tempted to give up and that's why I never finish anything...

Sorry for the doom and gloom. I'm cranky because of lack of proper rest and little progress lately... I feel like punching a wall...
