April Fool's Joke... =o_O=

I can't say I'm very amused with all the Edward. I wanted to see the movie and haven't yet, fine... I planned to read the book, okay... but now... MY PRECIOUS AVATAR HAS BEEN SOILED!!! =TT_TT=

When I first saw it, I was like "Wtf? =o_O= Something's different here... OMG! =O__O;=" He's cute, yes, but one can only take so much Edward before it gets old... =-_-"=

Well, I got my wish, I odn't have to be in class or do anything today because the program that we use (3DS Max) is not liscensed anmore or something... Yay! I mean... aw... =-_;=

I've been feeling kind of bored and unmotivated lately. Like I don't want to get up or do anything. I don't like the feeling. It's empty. And not very fun. =o.o=

Ja, Mata ne.
