Something I wrote on Sunday, January 25, 2009

These are my views of Proposition 8, and everyone like them...
This problem means the most to me, the deal with Proposition 8, they are basically sitting there telling people who they can and can't love. So what, there are people out there who like the same sex, I do, that does not change the fact that I, and every other person out there who like the same sex, are, in fact, human. Everyone has feelings and just because someone feels differently about different people does not mean you can sit there and criticize them. Feelings about a person don't usually go away, and people can't change them. Just let them be themselves, don't give them a hard time. Don't judge them, or hate them, or anything. I've been sent death threats, I've been called nasty, I've been stared at like I was a freak, and I just ignore it... but eventually it will become impossible to ignore... and for all those perverted guys out there that are like "lesbians are hot" you're only saying that because well, you're perverted... I bet if someone asked you what your views on gay men were... you'd say something like "keep those fags away from me"... people like that are sick!

People are who they are and I know very well how people are put down for being different... I hate people who do that to others, and I honestly think people like that are not worth my time and effort... or anyone's for that matter.

Thank you for reading... this means a lot to me!
I wrote that a while back in a blog on MySpace, and I thought I should post it on here, since that's the kind of stuff I talk about on here.

