My Angel Lily

this is a horror story i wrote one day, i hope you enjoy it


The wind rushed into the room lily felt a chill run up her back she had been feeling weird all week, she pulled up the covers and started crying for no reason, her long brown hair stuck to her face, her dark green eyes shone bright from underneath the duvet her head slowly began to hurt, her skin had began to burn uncontrollable she sat up quickly,"Ahhhhhh!!! spiders MOM MOM!!,Help," she screamed as she jumped out the bed onto the hardwood floor,she ran for the door but something grabbed her foot she feel flat on her face and turned to she a crooked face staring back at her it had pale skin and dark green sharp rotted teeth, it smiled at her then sanked it teeth into her ankle,"AHHHHHHHHHHHH,"she screamed, her mother ran into the room,"What wrong you stupid little girl cant you see i'm busy?"asked her mother as she lifted the little girl off the floor,"the monster it bit me!"said the lily as she held tight to her mother dress," lily what have i told you about telling lies!" shouted her mother her mother as she slapped the little five year old girl,who flew across the room into corner,"don't make me come back up here you stupid little girl i have company,"she said as she fixed her hair,"I should have left you with your grandparent would have don't this family some good,"she then turned and when down the hall, lily was shocked her mother never shouted and had never hit her until today what had happened, she thought but her body was in so much pain she could not move so she just sat there and looked around to make sure the monster had gone, when she didnt see anything she closed her tear filled eyes, then she felt something warm on her ankle,she opened her eyes to teeth and blood and screams as the monster ripped the little girl in two.
