

‘.. .’ means thought
Sasuke, Sakura © Kishimoto Masashi

I was crying after hearing a roomer about the Sasuke left the village and went to Orochimaru. I looked everywhere for him, but he was nowhere to be found. So here I am crying in the palms of my hands.

"Hey. Why are you crying?" A voice said.

"Huh?" I looked up, it was Sasuke! "I though-"

"Orochimaru hasn't taken me." Sasuke said softly then hugged me.

I blushed. 'Is this really happening?' I whipped away my tears and smiled.

"Let's go for a walk." Sasuke said.

"Okay..." I said.

"Sasuke, why are we walking around here?" Sakura asked looking around.

"You'll see." I said.

'The park is the perfect place.'

"Here we are." I said smiling.

I pointed to a tree. Sakura looked then she saw behind it beautiful scenery behind the tree. She walked over to get a better view.

"It's beautiful Sasuke!" Sakura said in excitement.

"I thought so." I said sitting down and leaning on the tree.

Sakura sat by my. She was enjoying herself. As the time past Sakura was getting sleepily, then she falls in a deep sleep. I don't mind Sakura falling asleep on me. I just rested my head on hers and watch the sun goes down.

