Rules and OC Notes

Please adhere to the rules stated here:
1. No spamming/ posting for other clubs.
2. No God Modding: please try not to take other people's characters out of context. If you have a question about someone's character, the best thing to do is send that person a PM. The second best thing would be to look at their profile.
3. No Mary or Gary Sues please. They just wreck RPs in general and make others feel bad. If you are caught making a Mary/Gary Sue you will be subject to probation or ban.
4. Adhere to's rules.
5. Adhere to Leader's words.
6. Be friendly.
7. Have fun.

If you break one of these rules, I will not accept the excuse that you have not read them. It is your responsibility to adhere.

Also under OC Notes:
1. You can make 2 OCs to start out, but after you must earn points in order to get more. Note: side characters such as maids/servants/anything else are not actual OCs and are not subject to this rule. However, you may not post from their perspective.
2. If you wish to make up some job/species that I have not listed, PM and confer with me what you are thinking of, and I will let you know if it is allowed.
3. Even if you chose to be a sand pirate, I don't want to find a post that consists totally of swearing. The occasional 'damn' or something along that line is alright, but please be gentle with it.

-Kratos Cruxis
