
Okay so I've been really into Bleach lately so I decided make make my own character for a fan fiction I may write!

Name: Hai-ren
Age: Looks around 25
Appearance: messy brown hair(bed head), purple eyes, and a goatee
Zanpakuto: Hollow Dream(looks like a sword hilt in sealed form)
Shikai: Deceive, Hollow Dream(Azamuku, chūkū no yume)
Shikai appearance: pure white double bladed katana(blades are side by side; blades are also white)
Bankai: (still in progress)
Effect: in bankai state, sword takes form of a white semi-solid liquid. It can take form of anything user imagines.
Zanpakuto history: only sword of its type, as it is the only zanpakuto whose spirit is a hollow. Over use of bankai can cause hollowfication of user.
