Back to you on that...

How's it going.

18, wow, that happened.

bought ciggarettes(who doesn't??)
XD (don't smoke kids...)

Astroboy was... cute.

There was the usual Hollywood-itis crap thrown in, but not all-around bad. Osamu Tezuka was not dishonored in its making, but they got a few crucial points wrong, like plot-holes wrong.

I was pretty sure the kid died in a CAR ACCIDENT!! not incinerated by a giant robot big shocker in that spoiler...(only 1/2 sarcastic.

Anyways, if you want to check it out, you probably should not be the type of person gets hung up on small changes, or thrown in romantic interests just becuase they think they should be there... (like I said, Hollywoodish...)

but I'd give it (on a stand-alone basis) 3 1/2 out of 5, explosions (something else the movie has plenty of )
