Responds to: Nu or Kal|Age: 19|College Student|

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2DS: 0576 6019 0233 []
3DS: 4399 1403 5101 [x]

Requests: Closed

Hey guys so I will be taking on 4 or 5 requests at a time when I do take on requests.

Here are just a few rules:
-Tell me who/what you want in enough detail that I have an idea of what you would like to see. Please do NOT tell me exactly what you want me to do, if that you should commission me.
-Do allow me some time. I am in college and sometimes I do not have much time to draw for myself. I am an art student, so a lot of my time is put into planning for grades.
-If you do change your mind on your request, do not hesitate to tell me!
-If the art work you requested is not to your liking, I will be more than happy to redo it for you(same goes for commissions, but I will do a redo for free).

Extra info: I will do 'Special reservations' for those who mentioned wanting a request but I dont know if they will be able to comment before the slots are filled. If I PM you after slots are filled and i know you would have liked one, I will ask you if you would like something even if I did not put you down.

2-fuko chan
3- Clueless101

Special reservations:

I need this in my life

Omg guys, do you know how happy I would be if I could make a dish with potatoes and noodles and some good seasoning?

I'd die happy @A@ *drooling out the mouth*


So I went to go shower AND I FELL

I didnt get hurt at all. I kinda hit my knees on the bottom and there might be a bruise maybe. I mostly hit my toe and it hurts a bit more than my knees.

SO Im icing my toe/foot just as a precaution in case I did do something to it.But other than that if I can just pop my toe, I'll be fine :3


I haaaaaaaaate math class!!! This shit is stressin me the FUK OUT. Hate hate hate hate haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate math u ^ u

And this is a random thought I just had, and some of y'all might judge me on it buuuuuut
I wanna get high off my ass and draw some thing. I've seen people who did art while trippin on something, and I kinda wanna try too

FYI on requests

Hey guys, little bit of an update on requests.

I wanted to start on them yesterday but I was just so tired from doing a bunch of stuff for 4 days in a row. So I just stayed in bed all burrito-d in my blanket.

I REALLY wanna start them today, but I didn't sleep much last night (got like 2 hours of sleep). Soi might nap when I get home but soon after that I gotta work on my art project but I don't think it will take me long -v-'

SO depending on what my next art projects are, I can start doing the requests thursday or surely on friday cuz I don't have class on friday :)