Yo Brossssss~! :D

Been a while...;3;

Summer break is here!! Which is both exhilarating and dull because on one hand I have more time to draw 'n stuffs, but on the other I will miss many of my friends, the bulk of which I will not see until 2015...;3; I will miss them dearly until then. Although 2 people in that group I will be able to see over the summer due to summer workshops at my school so that will keep me going! XD

I will DEFINITELY be posting more here this summer 'cause I have so much time to! XD I already started posting my manga that I worked on in my Japanese class. It's in Japanese, but it's not complex or anything so it's not big deal and the story is totes cheesy, but that's what ya do with first level japanese...;orz Write like a child.

I expect to read a ton more anime, play a ton more video games, and do my summer homework of watching game of thrones. Heck, I might even read a book! O.O

I have been playing a lot of Pokemon X and Animal Crossing New Leaf...and...now that I think about it...I want to go play them right now! XD

Tomorrow I plan to draw a ton of stuff and start my own sort of summer school for myself to further my intelligence and to keep up the frequency of work that should be expected from my school so lots of work will never bog me down! ;D

Bye-bye~! (Such a short post! O.O)
