Yooo~! Time for a real post~!

Last post was lame. Time for a real one! I forgot I actually had things to say! XD

First offff....

I have not been posting anything on my Cheer! World because I have been having loads of problems with youtube on Google Chrome. I recently updated kubuntu and now Google Chrome does not work at all. Not only that but youtube videos, no matter what I do, will not play and just say that an 'error has occurred'. I am using Firefox now, and I might switch back to Firefox ultimately.

So that's what's up with that...

What's up with not posting stuff? I feel I addresses that in the last post on here. I am just lazy. And for some reason whenever I say I will do something on here, I never do...;m; But again, that is probably do to my feelings that I MUST post something on here. I should think of it as more that I should have fun posting things on here.

However, I would like to get more involved with tumblr because I hadn't realized how useful it was due to its sharing option. Why is this? Because I never share anything when I'm on tumblr. So I would like to make use of that.

But I'd also like to give back to this community in some way. So I will brainstorm it later.

I have also been thinking more about that webcomic or manga I had in mind. I redesigned a few of my characters, which I feel are still under development, but here are just some of the major-ish characters.

From right to left I will explain le characters~! :D

First we have Yukiko! Remember Yukiko?

External Image

Toy gun toting firey red head? Now she's gone bluuueee! But actually she is more of a combination of characters now. She is calm and reserved, with a cool and level-head. However in her 'battle-mode' her true self is the red headed Yukiko. I might explain the plot to make this explanation of her make more sense....XD

Next issss...REESE! Yeahhh! Finally a pic of Reese! The Klan obsessor! I am not satisfied with design of him right now. It's mainly the outfit. Doesn't quite match his personality. He looks a bit too much like a punk here. I will fix it laterrr. Basically Reese here is a cocky rich boy genius who is a moderator (important person) in le story.

Next we have le main characterrr....Seiichi~! :D Seiichi basically looks the same. I am happy with this design. Exactly what I imagined him to look. 'cept them shoes. Seiichi is a young man with depressive tendencies who gets bullied or ignored often in school. He doesn't have very many friends and spends most of his time with toys and video games than he does with talking to other people. He is very intelligent and analytical, but he does not put forth much effort in school except for topics that interest him. He is childish and pure at heart. He just likes to live life without restrictions, but there are so many restrictions in the world...;3; Mah poor babeh! ;m;

Lastly is Tadao~! Old Tadaooo....Not really. He might be a few years old??? Anywayy...His design is basically the same but he has spiky hair instead of curly. I felt I had too many feminine looking characters with curls so I gave him spiky hair instead. I am not happy with his jacket. I just can't seem to get it right....hrmmm...I'll figure it out later I guess. I think I just now had an epiphany about what kind of jacket I'm looking for.

Okay, okay, I'll tell you guys the ploooottttt...

In this setting there are machines that are used to heal those that are mentally ill. There are no policeman anymore, only therapists. Instead of punishing the public, they try to help the public become outstanding citizens. The machines allow the users to control their consciousnesses and dig deep into figuring out their problems for themselves and fixing them for themselves. But it turns out that there is a whole organization that uses these machines illegally for entertainment through battles against avatars created by consciousness. The strength of the person's ability to control their consciousness, usually through meditation, decides the strength of the avatars.

Thus red headed Yukiko is blue headed Yukiko's avatar. I am saying avatar 'cause I have no idea what else to say. Maybe I'll figure it out.

I'm trying my best to choose a shounen topic where there can be multiple participants so that readers can feel that they can participate as well.

Welp, I think this post is long enough.

I will end it here.

