
Well I am going to keep up dating this for a bit so if you see this updated now and again, your character might have been added to the list for a nickname by my Luxrays, mostly Xio! xD


Moyasu - Fleebag, prude
Tanner - Over Grown House Plant
Cain - Giant Gecko
Estelle - Meow Mix, Toots
Lupe - Rabberto
Nyarth - Hairball
Sev - asshat, manwhore
Lux - Luxy boy, trash
Rosie - Tree Hugger
Aberius - Abs
Delin - Stub *****


Arc - Mutt, muttly crew, dog
Chii - Fish Nugget
Shupple - Ghosty
Hoom - Hoomy
Gil - Gilly-pooh
Aberius - Pipsqueak, Beansprout, Abs, Abbie
Lupe - Honeybuns


Yeah that's it for now! Xio's are more offensive lol!! xD Sorry guys!! More to come soon!

And so a funny picture for you to enjoy!
