*sigh* ._.

Been busy again *sighs* sorry I haven't been on much. Roger was feeling old again and started making all the Wammy House kids do all the preparations for Christmas and what not. By the time Christmas was here, I was like 'wait hold on a minute!' Anyways, I got chocolate for Christmas 8P and also a few x-box360. XP Hah Matt I got Halo 1, 2, and 3. I also got a camera... ya. Not sure whether or not I'm thrilled or whatever. But mostly.... I GOT CHOCOLATE 8D

I also went to see Avatar in 3D. Man those machine guns were AWESOME. The story line was suck... but the action and the graphics were good. And damn the tear-jerking moments just freakin' made me want to shoot the screen.... and I did 8D hahahah. <_<'

Not much else to say,
