If today was your last day and tomorrow was too late

Could you say goodbye to yesterday? Would you live each moment like your last?

Bus was better. I got there earlier (& was actually able to stop at my locker before). I sat next to someone who used to go to my school & now goes to the one across the street from mine. I didn't really ever talk to him before but he did move his stuff when I asked and didn't seem too reluctant about it. Overall, it turned out better than before even though there were so many more kids for some reason. I got off my stop & a kid started to go my way. I went to pass him & he almost spat on me. lovely, huh?

I get to go to the doctor's tomorrow. I've had a cough for about a month now and it really hasn't gotten better so now I'm stuck going. I hope I'm ok & there's nothing tragically wrong with me.

Leave old pictures in the past? Donate every dime you had?
