Cosplay Begin!

I finished making the Timcanpi for my Allen Walker cosplay!Check it out!

This sucks

Okay,we have an interesting story on our hands today.Shall we get started?

My brother plays an MMORPG called Final Fantasy XI.He's quite the lady's man,so he has had some online relationships.Well,this newer one,however,was...different.

He's recently broken up with her,which is a good idea,as she is a pyscho.She's recently been sending him text after text saying how she'll kill herself and how she really wants to kill him.Scary,right?

Today,when checking my e-mail account for something,he noticed many e-mails from the girl saying threatening things.She even deleted everything on my e-mail account!EVERYTHING!

We eventually changed passwords and such,but it's a scary thought.I hope she doesn't do it again.I had college info and other important things in there,and now it's all gone.


At the moment,I have currently had my wisdom teeth taken out.It wasn't so bad as the horror stories said it would be.I'm very bored with being inside and I miss solid foods very much ; ; Especially my favorite,pickles T.T Yeah,I'm weird,get over it.Xp

There seems to be some bleeding right now,which is reportedly normal,I hope.The swelling kinda is going down,but at the same time,not cold ; ;

Maybe I'll do an update of Koldoon today,as I'm bored out of my skull @.@;


I can't believe this! Shonen Jump is having a Fannies contest,which features fan art from people who read it.I entered a picture of Itachi for the "Scariest Portrait of a Villian Contest",and I was one of the four nominees!I'm so excited!Granted I won't find out until December,and the others are pretty good,but still!

If anyone is a subscriber or anything,and likes my picture,will you vote for me?But,if not,that's okay!I'm just excited to be nominated! >.< Squeeeeee!!


I've got my first surgery this Friday,the ol' wisdom teeth extraction.I'm freaking out! T.T Please tell me if it's bad or not,people who have had it done.Reassurance would be nice ; ;