Emailed Back!

Heyo all!

I hope you're doing well!

I just wanted to elaborate on my Eon/Eona ideas a little. So, what I did was email the author (Alison Goodman) if it would be alright to make her works into a manga format (for a non profit use as with disclaimers). I waited around a week and got her very polite response. She said "Unfortunately, given my contractual situation, I am unable to authorize your creation of a graphic novel based on EON and/or EONA."

Though this is a kind of downer, I don't really mind because she added "Although I know it is not the same as creating your own artwork, I would like to offer you signed posters of the beautiful covers of EON and EONA." AND I'M THINKING WHOA!!! NO WAY!!!! *feigns* I'm seriously so happy right now! ^__^

I guess I'll have to think of a new idea for my book to manga projects~!
Any ideas? :3

Thanks for reading~!
Take cares,

