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Feeling Bubbly

OK... So just found an old mouse i didn't know i had but for fun i made something just to get used to it however the mouse seems so sluggish compared to the one that just broke

Crippled :/

Ok so nothing new from me for a couple of days my mouse broke and has essentailly crippled my use of photoshop and as town is so far away it'll be another few days before i get one

oh and for anyone who reads this and i s familiar with worlds on the O, I take it adding guest posters for a world will allow people to comment? or is there a way to set it so anyone can comment? drop me a message n let me know :P

Rin Okumura ;)

First Post

Just making a test post to see how the post system works on the otaku might get into havin my own world and while i'm at it i'll add a colouring of Ichigo i did a while back with some added extras