A world of words, in which stories lie in wait of eager eyes. A place where wandering minds can find a refudge among the fictious works of a fellow soul. One of few lands where an author's Midnight Fictions can run free...

Well, well. Glad to see someone took intrest in my world. Below you will find The Otaku copy of my fanfictions archive. They are on other sites as well, but here is the second most up-to-date one. The most up-to-date is fanfiction.net's copy. I ask that you leave me your opinion on everything here, be it good or bad. Critque me, flames will be used to roast bad ideas into new and great tasting ones, compliments will be used to boost the writing spirit and produce more of said writings.

Now, as a note, I own none of the original animes or games used here. Those belong to their creators, and any OC's I use that are not mine will be noted somewhere in the fic they are used in. I will say this however. I will, unless requested by a close friend, only write fics from the following animes/games : The Devil May Cry Series, BeyBlade, Yu Yu Hakusho, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Xenosaga, InuYasha, Dragon Ball Series, and Naruto. The later three are not as common but are a rare addition to my collection. Now, I bid you all a fond farewell so can go read my stories or do whatever. Enjoy~!

Ikara-o-Kage --

Talon & Fang ---


“KAI! Dude quit staring like that! It’s seriously creeping me out…” I was jerked out of my thoughts once again by Tyson. I knew he was right however… I had been staring like that for an hour. Staring into nothing but air…...

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'Scar Bound' -- HieixOC (T) [Sequel to 'Mark of Ice']

“Shiku!” I turned swiftly, my fiery braids fanning out around me. I saw my mother calling me, my little sister beside her waving like mad. I grinned and leapt up, using a bit of fire to glide down over the field with and down to...

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'Mark of Ice' -- HieixOC (T)

“Damn it Koenma! She may have been his best assailant, but she has been through enough to pay for that and then some! Her case doesn’t warrant execution!” “As much as I want to believe you, and to give her some other...

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'Lips Like Morphine' -- HieixOC (T)

Warnings: Blood shed and slight sexual reference. “ I want a girl with lips like morphine, Knock me out every time they touch me. I wanna feel a kiss just crush me, And break me down. Knock me out (knock ...

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'Four Names, Four Blades' -- Jin Drabble

Hinoka. Yasoma. Sanju. Kagura. Four names. Four blades. Yasoma Kagura. Hinoka Kagura. Yasoma Sanju. Hinoka Sanju. Four names. Four blades. All of which I possessed... Over my tr...

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