Life Update...

Well. My boyfriend was forced to quit working with me because we lost our babysitter (my mom). Let me note now: We're poor. We suck. Anyways, my mom was the only one who was willing to work long hours for shit pay. She only asked for us to help her and pay for food and gas...and that she brings her two dogs with her. Well, that was fine. One is a 16 year old blind and deaf pug that needs to be confined in a small space to keep her from hurting herself. The other one is the sweetest dog you'll ever meet. Never begs, never gets into things, great with kids, only barks at strangers (which doesn't last long because he's a loving goober). All he does is be a living vacuum cleaner and sleeps all day. Anyways, our landlord saw this and immediately told us they HAVE TO GO. Well, now we don't have a babysitter because mom refuses (rightfully so) to leave her dogs locked up in a tiny house for 11 hours a day. She cannot afford to get someone to check on them and she lives to far to constantly check on them (it'll cost us too much). And she cannot babysit at her house because her home is not safe (I know, we tell her all the time that something needs to be done, but we're all poor and doing what we can do). We cannot afford another sitter. We cannot afford daycare. We cannot put her back in Pre-K because they won't accept her due to classes being full. (She was pulled out due to them going to MO to help his little brother)

Anyways, due to losing our second income, we are back to square one. I closed my shops until further notice so I can focus on resolving our situation. There might be a hiatus here as well. I'm not sure. I already barely have a foot in the door here due to the ongoing site issues and still not receiving a reply from Adam.

