Everyone enter into the world where all are welcome. This will become a place of thoughts, stories, and who knows what else...


So I have now been accepted into the three university's I applied for. One for social sciences, one for arts, and one for sciences... Now I had hoped only one would pick me... and that would make my decision easy... but NO ALL 3 HAD TO PICK ME!
And now I am freaking out not knowing what to do with my life...
Sorry, feeling really freaked out right now and hyper and stuff... now I must go study French (which is art apparently in university speak) in case I decide to be a French teacher.

Chocolate Tofu Pie

So, my mom had a surgery on her stomach a few years back, so we have had to come up with interesting substitute foods for dessert.
The other day she found a recipe for a chocolate tofu pie. However, she can't eat crust, and I hate crust.
So today I made this recipe but placed it in our glass ramikin (is that how you spell it?) bowls instead of in a pie crust... and as strange as this recipe sounds... it is delicious! Just thought that you should know.
And everyone should check out chocolate covered katie's website for healthy vegan meal options... even if you aren't vegan... some healthy ideas for meals, snacks, desserts, etc.
And yeah, that's it see ya later!

Umeniko no Naku Koro ni

So I just finished watching this series a few days ago (cough friday cough). And I must say... I was so totally disappointed. I mean, my friend told me it was bad, but I refused to believe him cuz' he is picky with his anime but no! He was right, although I enjoyed some of the art and he story idea... the ending... wasn't really an ending... ha you thought I was actually going to spoil something :).

At any rate... I felt so lost, I couldn't believe it when I saw the next title on his list was Higurashino Naku Koro ni... my first thought was wondering whether it was a sequel and luckily for me it wasn't a sequel and... it was actually good! I'm already on episode 10! But be warned lots of gore and mature subject matter. Plus if you get scared easily, do not watch it when you are going to be home alone for a few days (even myself, who is not easily scared jumped when the phone started ringing at the same time as Maebara-kun's phone did!) Mind you if you don't like repition, do not watch it. If you are into Time Loops, suspense, gore, and psychological issues go for it :D
And now, back to Lettre de Toronto... what I should have been doing this long weekend instead of anime...
See ya unless Beatrice or Oyashiro-sama gets you!

Oh boy...

So I have to decide like pronto if I am going to apply to a French bursary program for five weeks during the summer...
I think I will? It would be good right? Especially since I want to study French.
And I had to perform a huge backup of my desktop because it keeps shutting down randomly... So I'm thinking mom and I are going to have to restore it to factory default settings to see if that works. :S
I dunno... I wish I knew more about what to do in any of these situations!


ALLRIGHT! I WAS ACCEPTED INTO THE UNIVERSITY OF MY CHOICE! And offered a $3000 scholarship :D How cool is that? I swear, I called up my mom and she was thrilled and then when talking with my brother he was all, you're such a princess, you can't even pay for university yourself... And so I responded that if he had been contributing to household maintenance like me then he wouldn't be able to either (not that he could anyways). But I digress...
HOLY JELLYFISH! Who would have thought that I was smart enough for such a scholarship! Now I have to figure out what to do... French teaching or social sciences... I love them both? Double major?

On a side note, yesterday in bio was very cool, we talked about ATP and how it is the meaning of life. Because without it you would die! Seriously! Today in bio though there was a scary monster cell on the board... it was so intimidating! A HUGE MITOCHONDRION with ATP and enzymes and oh the horror and wonder! I love understanding things :D
At any rate I will let you go!

P.S. The song that was playing was a song partly done in French you may know it as...