absolutely horrid

So today I subbed math at a high school, and it's a high school I don't go to as often, and in a part of town I'm not particularly fond of. And I've decided I'm not going back to that high school anymore. The first class was fine, a but chatty with some goofballs, but good. The next two classes were nightmares. There's a para with those classes, and he just started a week or so ago. Those kids were determined to get a rise from him to start a fight. They were cussing at him, yelling, doing the opposite of everything he asked, and being as big of a disturbance as possible. I've seen a lot of angry and rebellious kids, but never have a seen such a blantant anger, disrespect, and foulness from a group of kids towards a particular person in a classroom before. Those kids were just foul. And the para didn't rise to any of the taunts, he didn't give them the fight they wanted. Which is good in the fact that he's being the mature adult, but bad in that now the kids are even angrier that they can't get a rise out if him. I had to fill out so many behavior referrals today, and make several calls for security to come to the classroom to escort the main aggresors out. I was mentally exhausted after having to put up with such childish behavior from what are suppposed to young adults.

After school I had anquick dr appt, then came home and decided to play my wii fit game. I had wanted to go for a run in the park today, but it's rain/sleet/snowing so I couldn't. And I was having such a good time on the wii until my uncle started texting me, throwing a toddler tantrum because my mom won't talk to him on the phone for hours every single night, and she should because she doesn't work so she doesn't have a life and should be free to talk whenever he feels like it. So he's decided he isn't going to visit in the spring and has canceled his plane ticket. I will admit that after the kids I had to deal with today, then my uncle acting like a spoiled toddler, the text Insent him back in return wasn't pretty. Mom and I are the type of people that we just mentally can't handle talking to someone for hours every single day. It's so draining. And yes mom does have a life, even though she isn't working. She has a family, friends, and hobbies, and therefore isn't always available. I think my uncle was expecting me to sympathize with him, but I'm so tired of grown people acting like children. If I wanted to cater to toddlers, I'd be teaching preschool. So people just need to start acting their age already and stop throwing ridiculous hissy fits.
