New Chat Moderation Feature

Starting next month, we are going to have a new chat moderation feature. I will be introducing the rotating chat staff program. Basically what this means is that every two months, we will have 3-4 people who will be promoted to chat moderators. At the end of the two months, they will be replaced by another group of 3-4 people.

There are so many members who are qualified to assist with chat that I decided it would be a good idea to make it possible for more people to have the chance to help out with chat moderation duties. Those who do a good job during their two month time will be kept on a list of people who qualify for chat moderation duties, and therefore may possibly be selected to help out again.

Rotating staff is not a new concept; anyone who has attended college knows that places have what’s known as adjunct staff. These are people who teach a class for a semester, sometimes more, but aren’t part of the regular staff. And yet they play an important role in keeping the school running smoothly.

So I’ll be keeping an eye on people to see how they behave around the site and in chat. Though I do this anyway, but I will be looking at how they handle disputes, how well they adhere to the site rules in addition to their overall behavior when talking to other members. I’ll be looking for polite friendly people who do their best to keep it a nice clean and welcoming place for everyone.

If there are any questions, feel free to comment and I’ll answer them.
