yes, almost all of my poems are dreary but they are well made if i do sayso my self. it would really please me if you commented and liked my peoms that i slaved away at. i always insist that my works are perfect. enjoy!

what laughter hides -poem

Laughter hides,
All the tears,
The agonizing pain,
And your worst fears.

It cloaks your discomfort,
When people babble,
When guys are boisterous,
And women ramble.

It keeps your secrets,
From the mass of strangers,
From their prying eyes,
And their dangers.

It dries the tears,
Before they can fall,
Hiding your sorrows,
From them all.

It conceals the pain,
And it’s hidden so well,
That no one knows,
No one can tell.

It stops the fear,
From escaping your grasp,
Now under control,
Seal tight the clasp.

It stops hysteria,
From spilling out,
Concealing the madness,
Quickly throughout.


Stolen Heart -poem

My heart is missing,
I can't really breathe,
My blood runs cold,
Soon I might freeze,
It would be a relief,
from the hole in my chest,
The loss is numbing,
But the pain is immense,
Reminders are torturous,
It feels like i'm choking,
Sprawled on the floor,
I must look revolting,
My festering wound,
Is bleeding profusely,
It can't be stopped,
I stand here helplessly,
I couldn't change,
The look on your face,
Or your reasons,
For leaving this place,
But when you went,
You left me broken,
Never to be fixed,
My heart has been stolen.


The end of everything -poem

Angels of evil,
Sent by God,
Demons of Dark,
Sent by Satin.

Working together,
Unheard of by man,
To bring the end,
Of all living things.

One by one,
11 in all,
One by one,
The countries fall.

Everyone will die,
Nothing will live,
On wings they fly,
Bringing horror to us all.

They each have a name,
That fits their purpose,
And Hell.

They are no Gifts,
But a curse,
Destroying everything,
They touch.

Everything’s gone,
Nothings left,
And now it is,
The end of everything.

no one can help me

I’m scared,
And afraid,
And no one can help me.

I am insignificant,
And week,
And no one can help me.

It hurts,
I'm in pain,
It throbs,
In my heart,
And no one can help me.

I'm afraid,
I can’t run,
I’m chained to this place,
And it’s difficult to be afraid to death,
And know that no one can help you.

if you had eyes like mine -poem

If you had eyes like mine,
Youwould be able to see me.
If you had eyes like mine,
You would be able to know me.

If you had eyes like mine,
You would know the pain.
If you had eyes like mine,
You would know the hatred and neglect.

If you had eyes like mine,
You would remember the feeling of lonlyness.
If you had eyes like mine,
You would remember the feeling of fear.

If you had eyes like mine,
You would be able to look me straight in the eyes without flinching,
and see my whole life,
And it would be just like yours
