This is where anyone can share their thoughts through comments, or even message me requesting to do an entree. I will put your username at the end of the post. Or, if you have a special signature that people on TheOtaku know you as, request for me to put that, ok? But first, there are a few rules... Ok, ok, only one. NO CUSSING OR SWEARING!! You might think of that as two rules, but if you have any complaints, just message me.


Challenge Winners!!

Here are the three winners for my challenge!! ^^

Hard Work- MewIchigo02
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Creativity- Final Hikari
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Cuteness- IChiTa
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If you have any questions/comments about why I chose who, please comment/pm. ^^


Thank You All!!!!! ^______^

YAAAYYY!!!!! I'm making a shout-out post to all that have entered my Nothin' But Nekos wallpaper challenge!!! I was sooooo surprised about how many people entered!!!! And even though some of you forgot to press the "submit" link next to my challenge, I shall still rate yours separately when the contest is over!!! So, thank you all! Love ya lots!!!

~Spastic Tsuki
