23 Years Old

Hey, I'm Akioh and I love OCs! Yeah. Also I study linguistics. Idk what to put here. Also I just decided to make the above pic my header here because that's what I'm using everywhere else, haha;;

Other Social Media:


Mood: Normal

Today is going to be the day I hand out gifts to the people who have been my good friends. (I can only do 3 a month, right? I may have to finish up next month.)
so. If you get a gift from me, congradulatons. xDD yeahhh... >.>;;

Random Work in Progress:: http://i39.photobucket.com/albums/e153/takarafox/akiohs%20album%20of%20junk/Ifightformyfrieeendddss.png

Taking foreeever. x_x I'm bad w/ paint. xD

Whee. xD

Mood: -_-
Currently working on: whatever.
Also working on: Random pictures. xD

blah. x_x I'm working on another pit picture. :> why? Cos I wanted to practice more w/ gimp, so I decided that I could use pit for deh picture. x3 whee. .3.
bored.... -_-


Mood: tired. x_x

Hey guys. I just had an idea for a mini comic. xD yeahh.... .3. I should probably work on it now. xDD
please ignore my very small world entries. xD


Mood: Bored..
Currently working on: The Adventures of Marth and Roy: ch. 2 pg. 16(fan Comics)
Also working on: other stuff....

hehehe.... sometimes, when i type the adventures of marth and roy, its martha nd roy... (sorry... random... martha...)
I really wanna post stufff.....


Mood: Yay!!
Currently workin on: planning stuff.

External Image
THANK YOUUUU!!! ;3; 40 SUBSCRIBERS!!! xD I did the picture on Gimp 2, cos I need practice. xD In case you can't tell, that's Marth. He looks rather un-enthused. -_- Also... he's saying 40. :> 4 fingers on one hand, 0 fingers on the other. o_o;; yeahhh....
also! thank you to sakura kokoro, for being my 40th subscriber! xDD yaaaay! x3
thats all.
thank youu. :>