
I stole this from Tamster's deviantart. xD Feel free to do it.
Pick ten of your original characters.

1) Michka
2) Zack
3) Loyal
4) Dare
5) Rick
6) Alcott
7) Luli
8) Damian
9) Falorin
10) Isaac

(For the reader's convenience, I changed the numbers with the names of the characters. I even provided links to a pic of the character because I'm nice. :D)

Michka,Loyal,Rick,Alcott each want to kill Dare. Why?
Michka: He broke my Guitar.
Loyal: Because he's a jerk. D:>
Alcott: I don't even know him. -_-
Dare: I feel so hated. D:

Michka thinks Damian is gay. Whats Damian's reaction?
Damian: Well, you know me... GAYmian. Ahaha. 8D

Rick and Alcott each get accepted into separate rival secret organizations bent on creating a hobo-powered death beam before the other does! WHAT HAPPENS!!?!?!?!?
Rick's death beam = Great success!
Alcott's death beam = Not so great. (He gave up less than half-way through)

Michka tries to kiss Zack,Loyal,Dare,Rick and Alcott,they let him/her?
Zack: Of course. ;D
Loyal, Dare, Rick, and Alcott: No.

Luli gets a bazooka and starts shooting at everyone,who will survive?
(xDDD Sorry. I found that strangely funny.)
No one survives. Luli is all powerful with a bazooka.

Dare dies,how does Michka and Isaac react to it?
Michka: *Mourns because she lost the bass player to the band*
Isaac: *Mourns, but doesn't really know the guy*
Dare: WHAT. First people want to kill me, them Michka tries to kiss me, and then I die?? D:<

MKFan jumped out of nowhere in the middle of the quiz,how does everyone react to it?
Everyone: What.

If Zack asked a random question to Isaac,what would Isaac answer?
Zack: Say, Isaac, can you play an instrument?
Isaac: ...no.

Alcott is stuck in a cave with a huge monster. There is a sword he can use to fight against it, but it's lying on the other side of a pit of tarantulas and Falorin's boogers. Does he make a reach for the sword, and can he fight back against the monster?
Falorin: Why my boogers? -_-
Michka, Alcott, and Luli go to muligans to play lazer tag. But Luli forgot to call Loyal and Dare to tell them they were going. When they get back Luli finally realizes they forgot to call. What are Loyal and Dare's reaction when Michka, Alcott, and Luli return?
Loyal: I missed you guys! I was so alone! Why didn’t you call? >3<
Dare: I feel so uneeded. T_T

Loyal thinks Luli is MADLY in love with him/her. But Luli likes Falorin! What is Loyal's reaction?
She goes to Rick for advice on how to reject someone’s love in a nice manner. Oh, and Falorin banishes Luli. (???)

Alcott,Damian and Dare have sexy time. Is it sexy?
Dare: What the hell? SEXY TIME?! Why does everything weird in this quiz happen to me? D:<
Damian: Sexy time with my cousin. Huh.
It is not sexy.

Alcott,Damian and Dare are all eating cake. Who poisioned it?
Dare: Yeah. Poisoned cake. Of course.
Alcott did it, by the way. Ohoho.

Someone passes out fortune cookies. Zack gets one that says 'The person next to you is evil'. What does Zack do to Rick, who is right next to them?
Zack: Rick.
Rick: Yeah?
Zack: You would tell me if you were evil, right?
Rick: S-sure…? ._.
Zack: Okay. C:

The Nargles are attacking Luli and Damian. What does Loyal do?
She dresses the Nargles up in pretty clothes~♥
Damian: what on earth are Nargles?

Make up an e-mail address for Alcott.
[email protected]
He’s very straightforward.

What would you do if Falorin suddenly paid you a visit?
Me: Heyy, Faly! What’s happening? :DDDDDD
Falorin: Why did I even come…. -_-

What subject would Michka teach if she were a teacher/professor? Would she be good at it?
Guitar, of course. C: She would be… um. Angry? xD; She’d get mad at the students often for messing up and stuff.

Dare is walking home when he sees a cute fluffy creature, which promptly begins rubbing itself against his legs. Will he kick it away, or take it home?
Dare: ........ aawh~♥ *Takes it home* I’ll name it Sweetie. :> ... *To you* I'm so manly. You don't even know. D:<

If you had the chance to rewrite Michka's life, how would you change it?
Make it so that she wouldn’t dump Zack in high school, and that Zack wasn’t a jerk in high school. They get together in the end though, so it doesn’t really matter.

Zack and Luli are making out. Isaac walks in...Their reaction?
Luli: Don’t touch me, please. *Hits Zack with her umbrella*
Zack: Ouch. Okay. Dx
Isaac: Aha. :D;
(I honestly had no idea what to say for this one. xD It least it wasn’t Dare this time.)

Loyal has to marry either Damian, Dare or Falorin. Who do they chose?
Loyal: Hmm…
Dare: *In his head*Ohmygodohmygodohmygodpickmeeeee… *heart beats rapidly* o____o (That's the face of anxiousness. xD;;;)
Loyal: Falorin! Will you marry me? :D
Dare: *Depression* DDDDD:
Falorin: Why.
Damian: Jolly gewd. :D (sorry, sorry. xD;;;;)

Luli challenges Michka to staring contest, why? And who wins?
Luli challenges her because she wants to test Michka’s competitive personality.
Luli wins, though. She has extreme non-blinking skills.

If you had to pick a video game character to pair up with Dare, who would you choose?
Since technically Loyal and Dare are video game characters, I would pair them together. xD (They're from Rock Band 2. xd)
Dare: YES! >:DDD
But honestly, I may pair him with… I dunno, May (pokemon) or something. XD;;

Rick and Falorin get roaring drunk and end up at your house. What happens?
Falorin acts totally out of character, and Rick spends the rest of the night in the bathroom.
Remember kids, no underage drinking! :D (I think they’re both 17 years old.)

Falorin and Zack are depressed, why?
Falorin: Because my parents are dead.
Zack: Because Michka doesn’t love meeee. D:

Dare, Alcott, and Luli are doing the Hokey-Pokey. Damian walks in. What happens?
Damian: ... Yeah. Have fun, kids.
Dare: :D All the weird events happen to me.
Alcott: I feel like an idiot! D:

Think Damian could be a super model?
Sure! :D Maybe not “super” model, though. xd

they all get involved into an epic brawl (not the video game), and only one of them survives, who won?
Isaac. After slaying the small fries (ie: everyone who isn’t Falorin), he fights Falorin with all his might. And wins! (Falorin and Isaac are worst enemies, for some reason.)

They all get involved in an epic Brawl (the video game), who wins?
Dare. He’s a video game nerd. He has other nerdy traits too…

One of them falls in love with you, which one?
Um… None of them. They only think of me as a friend. xD (They all have people they love)

GENDER SWAP! What happens?
Rick: Dare! I’m a girl now! :D Will you go out with me? :D
Dare: Um.
(A side note: Dare actually doesn't know that Rick likes him. o3o)

Zack posted a picture of Michka and Isaac making out on the Internet! What happens?
That would never happen, but… Michka beats up Zack for doing that and Isaac manages to delete the picture from the face of the internet.

Dare: *Gets eaten* WHYYYYYY????!
Sorry, I just like being mean to him…

New scenario= Loyal is driving down a lonely road with Michka in the back seat. The car breaks down, and they ask to stay at a roadside house. What happens?
Loyal: *Gets worried*
Michka: *Doesn’t get worried*
Owner of the house: Howdy! C’mon in! Lucky for you I’m a car mechanic! :D
-And it all works out.-

Nuther new scenario= imagine Zack has a bride, if he didn't already, and a baby is born. Loyal is asked to babysit. What happens?
Loyal: *Babysits, and everything works out. :D (I’m so boring….)*

If x = 7+3 then what must X equal? Furthermore, what is the point of this question?
Obviously, x = 10. Or, x = Isaac. Or x = Luli + Loyal. Whatever that means.

Who would make a better college professor, Alcott or Michka?
Michka. She’s older, and takes control. Alcott’s just annoying. xD;;;

Do you think Zack is hot?
xDDD Yes. To some extent.

If Zack had to choose sides between Dare and Rick, which would it be?
Um… I don’t know, depending on what the argument or whatever is about. Maybe Rick…

Michka gets a paper cut. What is the immediate reaction?
Michka: *Crumples up the piece of paper that cut her and throws it in the trash* >:[

Rick, Loyal, Zack, and Damian are waiting for the bus. Write the conversation they have until the bus arrives.
Rick: So… >_>;;
Zack: So…?
Loyal: What do you think of my outfit, Damian? :D; (She’s wearing… um… I dunno, a short sleeved collared shirt with a longsleeved collared shirt underneath, beat-up pants, tall boots, and gloves.)
Damian: Oh, it’s very creative. :D
Zack: What do you think of my outfit, Damian? :D (He’s being sarcastic, but he’s wearing the same outfit he wore in the picture at the top)
Damian: I like it fine. :D
Rick:… The bus is here.

The quiz is over! Now what?
If you want to do this quiz, feel free to…
Click here for the blank template.
