I made an OC quiz. :0

Mood: Hungry. xD;;;

Yeah. It's a quiz where your OC answers questions about their crush.

1) Choose an OC
2) Have them answer the following questions about his/her crush.
3) YEAH. You don’t have to tag people.

I choose you! Stefan! I guess Stefan has two crushes, though.... I'll have him talk about Gabe. Even if you would've preferred to hear him talk about Tomato. UH-HUH.... Okay.

Oh yeah, a couple of the questions came from this quiz.

1. How did you first meet him/her?
At work, I'm assuming. It wasn't a very memorable meeting. :/

2. How long have you known him/her?
A year or two. I've known him since he became Tomato's hair stylist, which was maybe two years ago.

3. How long have you liked them?
*shrugs* I don't know... Maybe a couple months. I don't know.

4. What do you like best about them?
Well, he's definitely not afraid to be himself.

5. Is there anything you dislike about them?
Oh my God, he's arrogant, rude, and such a moron. And those eyebrow piercings... Jesus, what is he thinking? They look terrible. And he wonders why people don't like him! "Well Gabe, it's because you insult people and make controversial remarks and are insensitive." Sigh... that boy... *rant rant rant*

6. Are you two going out?
No. We went on a date. Once.
(Spoiler? xD I'm going to draw a couple of strips about it, but it won't be for some time b/c I'm slow and lazy and...)

7. Are you truly in love with them?
Sigh... can you ever be truly in love with someone?

8. What is your favorite physical feature of theirs?
Aha... He has nice arms, I guess? -3- I also kind of like his face... very emotive.

9. What kind of person are they?
He's a bit of a jerk on the surface, But he's actually not to bad a guy the more you get to know him.

10. What do you like best about their personality?
Like I said earlier, he's definitely true to himself. And... I don't know. He's very... amusing.

11. Can he/she make you laugh?
Yes, sometimes. Usually his attempts are unsuccessful, but he can be funny sometimes.

12. Does he/she make you smile?
*shrugs* Yeah, I suppose... *scratches head*

13. Does he/she ever get on your nerves?

14. Do they have any impressive skills?
Well, he's a hair stylist... I guess that's impressive.

15. Do you get jealous when you see him/her with another person?
Maybe a little bit... *mumble mumble*

16. What is your favorite memory with him/her?
*shrugs* I can't think of one at the moment.

17. If you could change one thing about them, what would you change?
That ugly tattoo on his chest. I hate it. >:T
It's not that weird that I know he has a tattoo on his chest. Sometimes I come over to his apartment room in the mornings to drop off his payment or something of the like. He sleeps in his underwear, so...
I always tell him to at least get dressed if he knows I'm coming over. That's another thing I'd change. JESUS, PUT ON SOME CLOTHES, GABE... *rant rant*

18. Does he/she have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
Not that I know of. I don't know how many lovers he has, though.

19. Do you ever dream about him/her?
*Shrugs* Maybe sometimes...
I MEAN, not that I remember them or anything. Why would I dream about that guy?
(Stefan has conflicted feelings. :d)

20. How much does he/she mean to you?
He's one of the few friends I have, so I do care about him.

21. How often do you hang out with them?
Um... he usually goes drinking with me. Or accompanies me while I go drinking, rather. And I see him often enough since he does Tomato's hair for photo shoots.

22. Do you ever embarrass yourself in front of them?
No, of course not. I never do anything embarrassing.

23. Why are you in love with them?
Ha... I wish I knew the answer to that question.

24. How close are you to him/her?
I don't know. I probably don't mean much to him. He's a friend, though.

25. If you haven’t done so already, do you plan on asking him/her out?
*Shakes head* I don't want this crush to turn into anything more.

Okay. I feel like I should draw more OFAV now.
Feel free to do this, if you want! :)
