Last time for a while

Mood: Hey guys, I'm Pit.
Currently working on: I SHOULD be doing my homework... (Don't tell Ike, guys! *shifty eyes*)

Heya. Pit here. :3 This'll probably be the last time in a while that Akioh role-plays... Yup. -3- Meh. Anyways, there's good news! :]
Takara (Akioh's sis) found Akioh's DS! x3 I swear, Akioh looked EVERYWHERE in the house. Then she asked Takara too look for it, and she found it in under 5 minutes. xD And you know where it was? It was in the Gameboy Bag. (The Gameboy bag is where takara and Akioh keep their games and DS's and stuff.)
Yeah. Akioh's such a loser. xd
So. I guess I'll talk about myself, like the others did.

I'm Pit, and I'm 15 years old. I'm from skyworld, and I now live with Roy and That Woman [Marth] on Earth. I also sometimes stay in my dad's [Ike's] apartment. I also REALLY REALLY hate being called kid, squirt, child, or anything like that. Cos I'mma MAN. >:D

Person reading this: Psh. What a child.

'Scuse me?! I'm a MAN, got it? My manliness FAR surprasses yours, loser. >:[

Marth: Wait... wha- "That Woman"??! I'm a guy! D:<

Yeah, whatever woman. -3- And stop invading my post! You had your turn! D:<
Erm. -_- Whatever. Later guys.
