
Mood: Herm...
Currently added: "Thank you" pic, Sothe- Modern Style
Recently added: [YAOI WARNING]...

I am debating with myself. Over whether or not I should actually have Rinchu in TAOMAR. I mean, she's a pretty pointless character either way, and having chapter 3 being the one where she's introduced would just delay the introduction of all the other characters. I figure she wouldn't be a very popular character either. And I think Marth would be better as a loner... like Ike...
But then again, if I take out the chapter with her in it, I wouldn't be able to have Charlotte in the story either. Plus, I would lose the oppritunity to have a fall festival thing.
BUT THEN AGAIN, the story would flow a lot better without her taking up a chunck of time in the story. That way I can just start of chapter 3 as the 1st weekend of the school year.
BUT THEN AGAIN there would be an uneaven ratio of boys to girls in the story. There'd be 4-6 boys (Marth, Roy, Ike, and Pit obviously, but sometimes Popo and Link), and 1-3 girls (Palutena, Nana, and Zelda). Then again, there is Samus and Peach as teachers, and if I had Michka's (fire.freak) permission, I could use Miyoko, Mari, and Hiroki from time to time...
I also could not use Rinchu, and reserve her for the other comic idea I have...
Beh. More babbling... Sorry for the semi-long post.
What do you think I should do, guys? D: Yay or nay on Rinchu in TAOMAR? (If you don't know what TAOMAR is, it's my really random comic about Marth and Roy. >_>)
