
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Many different colors
Height: 5'4"
Favorite Color: Purple, Red, Black
Screen Name: Gaby4646
Favorite Show: True Blood, House, Bones, CSI (all of them]
Your Car: Don't have one right now but my dream car is the Nissan 350Z
Your Hometown: Brooklyn New York
Your Present Town: Rochester New York
Your First Crush's Name: >.> I believe it was Tyriek
Your Grade: 10th


Sat on your rooftop? Yes! Haha take that Gravity! XD
Kissed someone in the rain? No but I want to
Danced in a public place? Yes
Smiled for no reason? Yup
Laughed so hard you cried? Oh yeah!
Peed your pants after age 8? omg NO!
Written a song? No but I've tried.
Sang to someone for no reason? Yup Yup
Performed on a stage? Yes
Talked to someone you don't know? Yeah
Gone out of your way to befriend someone? No
Made out in a theater? *Laughs* I think everyone has...
Been in love? Yes...

Say HI to you? Family friend
Tell you, I love you? My Auntie when she left for work today.
Kiss you? My grandma. On the cheek you perve!
Hug you? Grandma
Tell you BYE? Aunt
Write you a note? My friend Maria
Take your photo? Sheesh; I don't remember
Buy you something? Aunt
Write a poem about you? My grandma
Touch you? My dog.

Time you cried? It's been a while
Time you laughed? Today
Song you've sang? Monsoon-Tokio Hotel
Time you've looked at the clock? Just now lol
Drink you've had? Water
Book you've read? Blue is for Nightmares
Food you've eaten? Bagel with white american cheese melted in it. Yum!
Shoes you've worn? Sneakers
Store you've been in? Rainbow
Thing you've said? "My Gosh."

Write with both hands? Kindah
Whistle? Yup *starts to whistle*
Roll your tongue in a circle? Yes!
Cross your eyes? Yeah
Touch your tongue to your nose? Almost!
Dance? Yes, I love to dance!
Stay up a whole night without sleep? Duh!
Speak a different language? Yup
Impersonate someone? Oh yeah!
Make a card pyramid? Kind of
Cook anything? Yes many things.

If I were a fish, I'd swim around the world.
I wish...Life was a little easier sometimes.
So many people don't know...How I truly feel
I am ...doing this survey type thingy XP
My heart is...beating?

Tags: Werewolf queen, Support Kira, PandaChanX3, MariaCarlotta, Crimson Princess
