Hi welcome to my anime reviews! this world was created to give reviews on anime favorites ive seen and to help any one who might want to watch a series but arnt sure if they want to spend the time to watch it.Please Feel free to leave comments.enjoy your stay thanks!

Samurai Champloo

Samurai Champloo was fun to watch.The characters and animation are awesome especially the action sequences.The story is about a character named Fuu a waitress who one day is attacked by a bunch of samurai goons. She is saved By Mugen a wanderer and Jin a Ronin Samurai.After defeating the group of samurais the two begin to fight each other.This confrontation accidentally causes the death of Shibui Tomonoshina magistrate's son. Because of this the two are to be exacuted. Fuu finds a way to save them. And in return she requests they travel with her to find the elusive "the samurai who smells of sunflowers." As a condition set by Fuu the two are not to duel one another until the journey is done.
