A Tag of the New Age

Since TheDarkEclipse posted his tag and was kind enough to tag anyone who read his own, I am will try and answer his questions as well. :)
It has been quite some time since I have done one of these, I think that it will be fun.^^

1. Right now in your stagnant mind, what are 3 words you can just pull out of your head?
Mozaic, earth, water...

2. What's your favorite color? (how generic)
And generic as it may sound, green. :)

3. How's the weather out there?
Bah, rainy. It is actually one of the cooler summers in the past decades, but it rains almost every other day.

4. What came first, the chicken or the egg?
Didn't scientists already answer that one? I think that they at least gave a hypothesis.

5. What has ears but cannot hear?
Um, a person who has lost the ability to hear?

6. What's the craziest thing that's happened to you?

Hm, not sure. I had some more situations now and there, but nothing worth mentioning.

7. What's the worst thing you've ever done?
That is hard to answer as well. When I hurt someone's emotions or see that I might stand in their way (even though sometimes I have to) feels like the heaviest burden in the world.

8. Do you ever dream of your life or yourself as an anime? If so, describe it.
Ah, haha, actually yes. Mostly placing myself as some kind of person with a deep backstory or a leader in some smaller organizations. I dreamed also a lot about anime school system (or better to say Japanese system in that regard) since here we are far off of that.

9. Do you listen to songs dubbed in a language that is not your native tongue?
I don't like 95% of songs in my language for various of reasons. Just the ones that are special and have a greater meaning and emotions put into them.

10. Why?
Partially explained, we don't really have good songs, especially not a big variety like you feel find in standard global songs.

11. To you, what defines "a life?" What defines "a friend?" What defines "living."
- A life is span of time between every person's first and the last step. A fulfilled life would be the golden age when a person can feel peace inside him or when he manages to break the chains that are binding him created during his youth.
- A friend is someone who can read your emotions and correspond well with them. His actions have to be in sync with your life and at least some choices have to be influenced.
- Living is fulfilling basic daily needs: food, water, but also finding happiness and satisfaction and this circle of life.

That's that I guess. :)
I, myself, tag everyone who reads this, since I know that many are absent and I wouldn't feel right pushing someone to do it.

My questions are:

1. Two, three or four wheels?

2. How would your organize your collection (books, movies, anime,...), by alphabetic order, genres or something else?

3. When someone mentions history, what is the first history period that comes on your mind?

4. Country side or city life?

5. Island or mainland?

6. Do you frequently question yourself about your actions?

7. Cats or dogs?

8. Is there anything specific you feel nostalgic about?

9. Do you play video games?

10. If so, what is your favorite genre and console?

11. Do you prefer shorter themed questions on your tests or the ones that require longer answers?
