New Fanfic Alert!

!!*!!Chapter 2 coming soon!!*!!

Alright-y! So there's going to be a new Bleach fanfic coming soon. However, this one is going to be completely independent from my other fanfics. Allow me to explain.

So I was reading a Bleach fanfic on called The Blood Prince by Frostgem. And trust me. It. Was. Awesome! So awesome that I thought, "Wow, this would be so fun to write about!" So I PMed Frostgem and got permission to do my own fanfic on it. (Frostgem called it a "fanfic fanfic" lol XP)

So, long story short, I'm doing something new and purely unique (hopefully). And to grab your attention, here's an overview of Frostgem's story The Blood Prince:

The prologue is a "flashback" sort of thing to Toshiro during his days in Junrinan. It tells about him standing on the edge of a lake, throwing some sort of collar into the water. Then Momo comes and they walk home when he's harrassed by some kids and called a "demon" (*hint, hint*). Then it goes to a part where Aizen is talking to a mysterious guy with bat wings and a tail. Aizen makes a deal with him that if he can find the guy's son and bring him back under his control, he will give Aizen the power of a god.

The story starts off during the time after Toshiro's team of Soul Reapers first faced the Arrancars in Karakura Town. The Soul Society finds a demonic artifact and contacts Toshiro's team about it. Also, Toshiro's spiritual pressure starts flaring and going out of wack, so much so he takes precautions. And to make things worse, a demon has gotten out of hell and is searching Karakura Town for something, or someone.

The Soul Reapers have to deal with arrancars, demons, and sift through legends meant to get children to behave all at the same time. What could be worse?

A demon among their ranks who might just be who the enemy is looking for. That's what.

So that's all I can tell you about The Blood Prince. If you want, just click on the link up there and follow the story. My story is going to be set after The Blood Prince's time setting. It's still under way but I hope to get the prologue up sometime this week. So look forward to a really exhilarating story!

Till next time!
