Yeah, this world is what is going on in my head and my life. (Well some of what is going on in my head...not everything. Just wanted to clear that up for you.) So yeah, hope you like reading what I have to say. Don't forget to comment to. I would like to know what you think of my world you know. Cause if it sucks, I would like to kno. So, yeah, that's it!!

My day

As expressed in a recent post, I realized that I am so late on finding out that pink has a new album and I'm pretty shocked. I man how can I be so late to know. That was like the what the heck of my day. lol

Moving on I just finish reading some manga, Hotgimmick and I have to say it has me. I am so into this book I feel like I am ready to blue skadoo into it. A little background on the manga. The main character Hatsume's childhood friend comes back to live at their apartment complex and she has always had a a crush on him and blah blah. But let me rewind a little. You she Hatsume lives in an apartment complex owned by the company her parents work for. So there in that complex are several other families who also work for the same people. The top person is Mrs. Tachibana and everyone sucks up to her because she has the power to ruin them or put them in a better position then what they are in. Anyhoo her son Ryoki Saw something that he could use against Hatsume's family. It's something that if his mom found out could ruin Hatsume and her family. So then she becomes his slave and does whatever he says and that's pretty much all I can say because If you want to read this, I don't want to spoil it. ^^

It's a great book you should think about reading it.
Anyway's I have been sick and coughing it it sucks. Thankfully I am not as bad as I was a couple of days ago, however I am not 100% well I'm like at 72% well.... but that's when I take cold medicine. I probably did make my cold a whole lot worser with the ice cream I had ate and the milk I have been drinking. Although milk and diary doesn't make you more sick but it does make the mucus thicker which can in fact make coughing worse along with all the other sick like things. But hey, what can I say I was craving ice cream and I can't stop drinking milk it's like nature's beer. (maybe not a good comparison but you know what I mean...right?)

I just killed my somewhat good mood with a thought of how much work I have to do and how I should be doing work right now. Crap I am such a failure right now. =_=
I have to fix that. Failure is never an option!

That is all for today I am going to go be productive!

Confessions!! xD Number 3 (I think...)

Here it is my long awaited for confessions!! xD Well I am just going to cut straight to the chase and get down to the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

1. I always wanted a little sister

2. I was disappointed when I got a little brother

3. I still held on to hope that I would get a little sister. But after I got older I realized it wasn't going to happen

4. I wasn't exactly sure where babies came from until my high school years even though I was told more than once

5. Middle school I wanted a baby. That was probably because I never got that baby sister I wanted(ironic enough at the time didn't know how to get one.)

6. I dislike showing emotion in the presence of others. To me it's sign of weakness sorta.

7. 9th grade I didn't want any friends just acquaintances so I would have someone to work with if there was ever a need to have partner.(sadly enough I got some anyways)

8. I also wanted to give the vibe of fear in people due to the fact that I didn't want to talk to anyone

9. It work, especially well in my 1st hour.

10. People thought I was some crazed psycho killer or something which was fun

11. It did eventually backfire on me because there's always this one kid who wants to bug the crap outta of you and ask you bizarre questions based on there assumptions

12. You would think that I tried to give this type of attention to myself but truth be told after 2 weeks I kinda stopped trying because I just didn't care anymore.

13. Its sad that even though I was just being myself people still thought I was crazy.

14. When in came to interactions with others my 9th grade year I don't even remember mostly all of the conversations I had with people other than my friend.

15. Apparently a dude was talking to me one day and thought I was a dude until his friend said wait that's girl. However I didn't even realize they were talking to be nor do I remember that happening. (It was funny when my friend told about this, but now, I'm a bit offended that I was mistaken for a guy)

16. I want a pet rock

17. 9th grade was the year where I completely zoned a lot of people out (as you can probably tell)

18. My now current boyfriend has wanted to go out with me and even tried to talk to me in 9th grade. Sad thing is I never noticed him nor do I remember ever talking to him (this was also 9th grade)

19. Another confession is that most of these confessions are from my 9th grade year.

20. When I was younger I wanted to be married and or engaged while I was in high school

21. Not as much as I did before but I still slightly want to get married straight out of high school

22. I just realized that I can't because I'm not old enough to get married without a parents consent and my mom would be against that. (yeah.This want was totally unrealistic because when I finish high school I wont be 18 lolz)

I would have put an awesome picture with this, but I feel queasy all of a sudden and I'm not in the mood to. Maybe I'll modify this post later and put an image. But for now, here's the confessions.


yeah I know I was going to have some confessions and what not but I forgot to do it when i got home. >.<

And I would do it right now, but I can't think of anything even though yesterday I had soo many. T.T I guess that's why I should have did it yesterday. lol but nonetheless, I will remember and have it done.

Since I have space I might as well tell you about my day so far. Well as you all don't know, I am a member of the national honor society and we had a induction ceremony today. And as an officer of the society I had to do work. T.T And by work I mean I have to participate in the ceremony read a piece of paper thingy in front of everyone, and light a candle. Pretty simple right? yeah I believe it was very simple except I would be the one to mess up. T.T I miss read my stupid part and said the words wrong. but of course I kept going like nothing happened at all. (after I repeatedly said the wrong word)I went on to light my stupid candle, which wouldn't light fro crap. I had like tried to do it like 10 times and it still wouldn't light but it lite just fine when we were practicing. I did, get it eventually. And guess what? I would be the only one who messed up during the whole thing. Why me lol. It seems as if I am always the awkward one at times. Welp that's pretty much the only slightly interesting thing that has happened today. I'm sorry if there are some capitalization errors or spelling errors or just overall errors with this. You see I am typing it fast because class is almost over. So toodles.

Awesome picture thing

Well it's about that famous time again for another one of my well known confessions, however, I won't be posting it until I get home. Yeah I am at school right now but, hey not to worry I have a picture for you all to see. Yeah I know I haven't posted anything in a while but hey what's a girl gonna do? lolz well please enjoy this awesome picture. I didn't draw it, however I did change the color and added some special effects to it. I wish I had the original to show you so you can see the differences but I don't so yeah...enjoy ^^


Taste awful
But oddly good at the same time
So rich in color
Such precious texture
A quick stab with a dagger
Maybe to the kidneys, maybe to the head
Covered in it...
but is it mine...or yours?
Who knows?
Who cares?