Yeah, this world is what is going on in my head and my life. (Well some of what is going on in my head...not everything. Just wanted to clear that up for you.) So yeah, hope you like reading what I have to say. Don't forget to comment to. I would like to know what you think of my world you know. Cause if it sucks, I would like to kno. So, yeah, that's it!!


Yes!! Finally, for the first time since school started I can sleep! I have no homework or no obligations!! I got em all done today while in school. I am enjoying this day greatly. I'll cherish it forever. A moment of silence please to commemorate this joyous moment.........

okay so yeah this post will be small and simple since I need to rest. Since school Started I have only been getting like 6 hours of sleep in a day. Sometimes it wasn't even that and it wasn't even like 6 hours straight. It was like 3 hours here one hour there an hour at school. I'm surprised I am able to actually stay up like this and not be worn out by now. I guess stayin up late all summer long has had a good effects after all. ^.^ I could really go for a good massage right now too, but I don't think anyone will be willing to do that because I live with a bunch of meanies.

Right now I am in the middle of editing a picture I drew. Its going to be so awesome (at least I hope so). I'll put up before and after pictures of it when it is done. Well then I guess that is everything I have to say for now.




Hey you guys. It has been too long of a while since I last posted something so here it is the moment you all have been waiting for. I'm posting something. I have been planning to do this for a while but my teachers all want to give me assignments to do all on the same day so I have been busy keeping up with that and trying to get it done. School is so hectic. =_=

I am going to be posting on fear and phobias. I'm going to be posting new phobias and scary stuff like that on here for a while a long with other things too. Below is a list of my fears...some of my fears..well all the ones I could think of at the moment.

My Fear's

1. Heights
2. fly in an airplane
3. People (to an extent well strangers)
4. Suffocating
5. Vampires (well I'm not anymore but I use to be.)
6. Spilling tea
7. Getting hit with an airborn objects
8. Dogs
9. Crowds (don't know if I'm really fearful of crowds but they freak me out
10.The future

Phobia's of the day

1. Pteronophobia- Fear of being tickled by feathers.

2. Pediophobia- Fear of dolls

3. Rectophobia- Fear of rectum or rectal diseases.

4. Russophobia- Fear of Russians

5. Sinophobia- Fear of Chinese, Chinese culture.

6. Zemmiphobia- Fear of the great mole rat.

7. Consecotaleophobia- Fear of chopsticks.

8. Dendrophobia- Fear of trees.

9. Dextrophobia- Fear of objects at the right side of the body.

10. Eleutherophobia- Fear of freedom.

11. Epistemophobia- Fear of knowledge

12. Ereuthrophobia- Fear of blushing.

13. Genuphobia- Fear of knees

14. Geliophobia- Fear of laughter.

15. Graphophobia- Fear of writing or handwriting.

16. Geumaphobia or Geumophobia- Fear of taste

17. Helminthophobia- Fear of being infested with worms.

18. Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia- Fear of long words.

19. Hobophobia- Fear of bums or beggars

20. Hylophobia- Fear of forests.

21. Ithyphallophobia-

22. Japanophobia- Fear of Japanese.

23. Judeophobia- Fear of Jews.

24. Koinoniphobia- Fear of rooms

25. Leprophobia or Lepraphobia- Fear of leprosy.

26. Linonophobia- Fear of string

27. Logophobia- Fear of words

28. Lutraphobia- Fear of otters.

29. Melophobia- Fear of music

30. Nosocomephobia- Fear of hospitals.

31. Oneirogmophobia- Fear of wet dreams.

32. Panphobia or Pantophobia- Fear of everything

33. Papaphobia- Fear of the Pope

Do any of you have any the phobia's above...or all of the phobia's above? I have none of the above phobias.

Yeah no random picture today. Just a bunch of words. Maybe There will be one tomorrow? lolz xD
~Starlight Princess

Wow I am so bored right now.

I am quite bored so I guess I'll try and come up with a another poem or something??maybe? Anyways I'm at school. It has been a long while since I got on the O form at school. Brings back wonderful memories of not trying to get caught on a site I wasn't suppose to be on or watching papa to kiss in te dark (by force) with CrimzonN3k0 z. Good times, good times. Actually one of my best high school years outt aof all the years I have been here. Yes, Don't think I mentioned this beofre but I am a senior this will be my last year at this schoool and then I will be going on to beiiger and better things. Like being confused on what college I am going to go to and what I am going to go for. I have been thinking bout this for a long time and still haven't gotten an idea.

ah well.

What do to?
Where should I go?
It wont fleet me
nor will it disappear
It is comming fast
and it's going to hit me right in the face
no, im not talking about a ball
I'm talking about my future
Its there and very near
It used to be only a dream
But now it has been come a reality
No more can I live in my little fantasy
But I must 'grow up'
accept things as they are
ha. What a laugh.
Accept things. Never.
I'll change them to my own perferances
The world is my easel
And I am the artist
I'll make it how want it
change to suit me

.....and I got nothing. Poem is not finished. Please do note I thought of this fromt he top of my head and just kept writing what ever thought came to mind. If it seems a little off or unorganized thats is the reason why. Hmmmm I think Maybe its time for another confession soon. on another note, I really wish I could put some art on here.

Anyways, something pretty to look at:

External Image

External Image

External Image

Monsters in my room

This is a poem I'm still working on. I dpon't feel as if it's complete yet or not. I may add some more things and change some things around but here it is

She stares
Her eyes, like daggers
they pierce my soul
She stares
seeing through me like glass
She knows
Who I am, My dreadful past
It scares me
Those eyes
That stare
It never breaks se never looks away
I can't hide
There's no escape
They're searching
for me

So yup that my little poem right there ya know so read it if you want. Or pretend to read it. Or completely ignore it all. Anyways, I know your probalby wondering...what happened to all the awesome stuff I was going to submit on here? Well you see I haven't forgooten about it nor have I been to lazy to do it. The problem is I haven't been able to find my camera charger and the camera's dead. So I couldn't photograph my masterpieces and show them all to you kind people. I know you been waiting..longing to see what I have been drawing but I can't post them until I that camera gets charged and that won't happen unless I find the charger lol. I think monsters ate it. Yes monsters. I have some in my room, they get hungry because I don't feed them. So it is very possible that they are the culprits. That is also another reason why my room gets so messy. Because the monsters like to trash it when I'm not around. I guess it's pay back for not feeding them and trying to starve them to death. *sighs* the problems of being human. -_-
I guesss I'll leave you all on a postive note.. ummm errrr picture.

(my boyfriend Ulquiorra)



Hey! It's starlight princess here and you know what time it is? CONFESSION TIME!! That's Right, I am every so often going to do a post confessing things about myself. Today's goal is going to be 25 confessions. During times like these you may hear some of my deepest darkest secrets and some really silly things and some bizarre things. If the post becomes too long then I'll continue it in another post xD Feel free to leave a comment or two with some of your own confessions if you want! I won't stop you.

(I could have did waaay better on making this picture. I apologize for the quality.)


1. I don't like cats

2. My face is a ball magnet. (No matter where I am at, if there's a ball
present it will hit me.)

3. I like to be alone.

4. I often draw in the dark.

5. I'm lazy at times.

6. I frequently trip over things that aren't there.

7. I have the tendency to space out ore then I should.

8. I like violent things.

9. My favorite thing to eat is chips.

10. I mostly stay up all night and sleep all day.

11. I cannot sleep on my back

12. One time I fell down the stairs... 4 times in a roll all on the same day.

13. I have drunken spoiled milk before.

14. I pretend not to hear people just so they can repeat themselves.

15. I am currently in a relationship with several fictional characters.

16. I will argue with someone even after I realize I'm wrong.

17. People freak me out.

18. I tell people that I was never born, and in fact I was hatched from a box
in the ocean.

19. I watch desperate housewives

20. My best friend use to be a plant when i was in kindergarten.

21. I never had any friends when I was little.

22. I cried when I went to see my plant and someone had step on it and kilt it.

23. I was a weird kid.

24. I didn't get a real friend until I was in 4th grade. sad right?

25. I never had enemies.