Yeah, this world is what is going on in my head and my life. (Well some of what is going on in my head...not everything. Just wanted to clear that up for you.) So yeah, hope you like reading what I have to say. Don't forget to comment to. I would like to know what you think of my world you know. Cause if it sucks, I would like to kno. So, yeah, that's it!!

Confessions!! xD Number 3 (I think...)

Here it is my long awaited for confessions!! xD Well I am just going to cut straight to the chase and get down to the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

1. I always wanted a little sister

2. I was disappointed when I got a little brother

3. I still held on to hope that I would get a little sister. But after I got older I realized it wasn't going to happen

4. I wasn't exactly sure where babies came from until my high school years even though I was told more than once

5. Middle school I wanted a baby. That was probably because I never got that baby sister I wanted(ironic enough at the time didn't know how to get one.)

6. I dislike showing emotion in the presence of others. To me it's sign of weakness sorta.

7. 9th grade I didn't want any friends just acquaintances so I would have someone to work with if there was ever a need to have partner.(sadly enough I got some anyways)

8. I also wanted to give the vibe of fear in people due to the fact that I didn't want to talk to anyone

9. It work, especially well in my 1st hour.

10. People thought I was some crazed psycho killer or something which was fun

11. It did eventually backfire on me because there's always this one kid who wants to bug the crap outta of you and ask you bizarre questions based on there assumptions

12. You would think that I tried to give this type of attention to myself but truth be told after 2 weeks I kinda stopped trying because I just didn't care anymore.

13. Its sad that even though I was just being myself people still thought I was crazy.

14. When in came to interactions with others my 9th grade year I don't even remember mostly all of the conversations I had with people other than my friend.

15. Apparently a dude was talking to me one day and thought I was a dude until his friend said wait that's girl. However I didn't even realize they were talking to be nor do I remember that happening. (It was funny when my friend told about this, but now, I'm a bit offended that I was mistaken for a guy)

16. I want a pet rock

17. 9th grade was the year where I completely zoned a lot of people out (as you can probably tell)

18. My now current boyfriend has wanted to go out with me and even tried to talk to me in 9th grade. Sad thing is I never noticed him nor do I remember ever talking to him (this was also 9th grade)

19. Another confession is that most of these confessions are from my 9th grade year.

20. When I was younger I wanted to be married and or engaged while I was in high school

21. Not as much as I did before but I still slightly want to get married straight out of high school

22. I just realized that I can't because I'm not old enough to get married without a parents consent and my mom would be against that. (yeah.This want was totally unrealistic because when I finish high school I wont be 18 lolz)

I would have put an awesome picture with this, but I feel queasy all of a sudden and I'm not in the mood to. Maybe I'll modify this post later and put an image. But for now, here's the confessions.

Da da da daa!

Well its about that time again. You know that lovely time where I become to lazy and boring and have nothing insightful to post in my world, but I want to keep posting so I don't look like I have disappeared. Yeah that time. So you know whats coming up next. A Random picture that has nothing to do with anything. But this time, this awesome freakin time, I'm doing something else as well, something that will blow your mind, So keep on reading to see what it is and comment. Always comment. Comment on anything even if the comment is irrelevant to anything that I have written or shared. It could be a comment on how much you hate cats. Or how much you love cats. Or how much you think the sun isn't really a sun but just an illusion. You could also share with me your conspiracy theories too in the comments. I guess what I'm really trying to say is, leave a comment no matter how stupid it is or weird. it can be a bunch of smiley faces just as long as you leave a comment. xD Besides, it makes me feel good to look an see that I have a comment that needs my attention to be read. It awesome. :3

Spread the Joy!

Anyways not to be too long winded, (wow I wrote way more than I planned) here's the picture as also and something a little bit extra special.

And here's that extra speacial something I was talking about

(For those of you who can't tell, its a video, that's the extra special something)

~Starlight Princess

Well, now, isn't that just creepy?

I am so confused right now. I don't even know how this happened. But apparently some dude is like madly in love with me. Its strange because I never even gave a single hint that I liked him or anything. All I did was be polite and said Hi back. We ended up having a interesting conversation while waiting in line, (really now that I think about it, don't know why I was waiting in line in the first place). But anyways we exchanged emails, (I have like hundreds of emails so I gave him one of the ones I really don't use at all). He seemed like a nice person but I guess being nice doesn't mean anything if your creepy. Checked that particular email and he wrote a poem for me with a bunch of other mushy love crap. The thought was nice I guess but is so freakin weird and I'm a bit creeped out by it. Maybe if I actually knew him and he wasn't just some person I said hi to once then I wouldn't be as creeped out. This is what I get for talking to strangers. hmmm I guess this could get interesting. I could pretend to be some type of secret agent working on a secret case or something weird like that. Besides It's not like a main email address anyways so I can always ignore him. lolz. but what I don't get is how is that possible that he loves me? That was what really freaked me out the most. I guess maybe he is just probably lying or over-exaggerating.

Well moving on to more important things. I am super bored and supper hot and probably should be doing work right now. Yup. I am suppose to be doing work right now. I have less than 4 weeks to complete this class yet I'm sitting here slacking off. What is wrong with me??!! Wow I can be such a failure at times. But I mustn't fail. That would be bad. I don't even know why I'm procrastinating, geometry isn't even hard at all. Takes forever to do, but its not hard. That's it, I will face geometry and come out victorious! Yeah!! My butt hurts....stupid floor, T.T they just don't make them how they use to anymore.

one more thing, BABIES ARE SOO CUTE!!! :3
More on this when I post again. really need to get off this floor....


I couldn't think of a title for this so I just called it title. Pretty clever huh? lolz

Anyways today had been filled with nothing but sleep. seriously. I stayed up until 7 in the morning and Didn't wake up until 8. Then I eventually went back to sleep and here I am typing this. I'm pretty sure I could've stayed sleep until tomorrow, but I didn't want to do that. I have anime to watch and actually I have work to do for summer school. I have been slacking off with going to summer school. I should probably go tomorrow but I'm staying home. Its internet classes so I can just do the work at home. ^^

Anyways, I have been some major anime watching. I just recently finish watching Negima and it was awesome. Right now I am watching El Cazador De La Bruja. Its okay from what I have seen so far. I only watch one episode of it so yea.

Moving on, have you any of you ever slept on the floor? It is an amazing experience. I was reading a book sitting on the floor and fell asleep. It was surprisingly comfortable, and refreshing all at the same time. Lolz Maybe I'm just weird though...

Speaking of weird, I had a burger and when I bit into it, it looked red. Then I was all ew it isn't done all the way! But after closer inspection, it was just ketchup and I freaked out for nothing. Sometimes my imagination just gets the best of me. -_-

Here's a picture of my favorite character from Negima. I don't know how to spell his name so yeah, he'll just be frog.

The human centipede?

Hello fellow earthlings. I bid you a how-do-you-do. Im doing pretty good today. Talked to my boyfriend a little. Ate a banana, watched it rain and just overall chilled. The only thing that woula made this day better would be tea. Yes Tea. Im a tea-aholic. lolz i woulda mad eme some but when I wentto look, there was o tea :( IT was a sad time for me. I had to have a moment of silence. But anyways lolz moving along to the topic at hand:

Any of you clowns out there (and non clowns) ever seen the human centipede? I have watched it. and let me tell you, it was every thing I expected and more. Usually I don't watch movies like that. But a dear, dear, friend of mine recommended it to me one day in class. She kept ranting on and on about how funny and awesome the movie was and that i should watch it. This end up with me watching the trailor. What can I say, it cought my attnetion and I was wanting to watch it. So when I got home, I watched it. During the whole thing I had my moments where I had to pause it and take a quick break and re-cap on what I just saw.

My Reaction:
I laughed, I cried (on the inside) I got angry, I cringed, I laughed some more,and I was grossed out. My overall reaction of the movie was, it was good the actors incredibly stupid but they played there part well. Would I see it again? Yeah maybe with some friends.I found it funny due to how stupid the main characters were. If you saw these two girls and if you watched the movie you'll see what I mean. Below are a list of tips I created from this movie to prevent you from being in a situation like these two girls Lindsey, and I don't remember the other girls name. Following these tips can help prevent you from falling into situations that are horrible.

My Tips:
1. When visiting another country, please make sure you know the language or have someone there to translate for you. It will make it very easy for you while your there

2. If you get lost while driving somewhere in that country, like I don't know a club, and you take a wrong turn and then your tire goes flat or something and its at night. Please stay in your car. Until morning.

3. If you failed at tip 2 an got out of your car, don't go running into the unknown to find help. Especially if you don't know where your going and its raining, and its dark out.

4. If you failed at tip 3 and went wondering off into the unknown, please please don't run up to a strangers house and start pounding on there windows and doors.

5. If you do happen to find a strangers house and pound on there window and doors and they do open the door. do not go inside. Especially if they ask if your alone!

6. If for some odd reason you do go inside, do not accept a drink from the stranger

7. If while your in the strangers house and he/she starts yelling in a language you don't understand, that is the clue to leave.

8. If you were smart, and did not listen to tip 6 you are probably feeling a little sick. That is because that drink was tainted.

9. If you see your friend is feeling sick and tired do not ask if she is okay. Its obvious she inst and her drink was tampered with. Do not stay there in that house screaming and asking the stranger what they did.

10. If the stranger comes at you with a needle, do not crawl on the floor. He/she will still get you.

11. Congratulation! If you ignored all the tips above you have just volunteered to be part of the Human centipede! (or some other dangerous situation) You really have no one to blame but yourself for being so un-thoughtful I should say.

12. If you followed these tips, you lessen your chances of being kidnap, and or experimented on. (there is still a chance that it could happen to you but its not that high, unless you do something else more un-thoughtful)

Thank you and remember: The best way to stop a problem is to prevent it!

Please enjoy this, unrelated to the topic, picture!