What I Have Been Doing

Well, here is and update on my life. Since I am here I might as well tell you.

So recently, I have been bustin my chops on some e2020. For those who may not be familiar with the terminology, e2020 is online learning course. Basically like a regular class, but it's all on the internet. All your reading materials, homework, quizzes exams, instruction etc is online. The beauty of this, is that its fairly easy to do for the most part. Also you can find just about all the answers on the internet. ^^ (like I have been doing...Don't tell anyone!I think that's considered cheating lol xD)

Anyways, if some of you have been following my post since I first made my account, you will see that the major fault with this type of learning is that it helps aid one in procrastination. You see, its soo easy that you think, "oh I can just do it later" Later gets here and you don't do it and before you know it, you have a week left of school and you have to work you butt off to catch up and get that class finished. You would have thought that the first time I done this, I would have learn that I couldn't do it the following year. However, I, in my youth, was very very stupid. How stupid you may ask? Stupid enough to watch yaoi in school...and the teacher could watch our screens and see what we were looking at from there computer... yeah wasn't very smart but that's another story)

Anyways after three years, the classes which I haven't finished has come upon me my senior year and I must finish them or I don't graduate. Now, you must be thikin, she is really working hard. Again your wrong. I have fell victim to my old ways although I'm trying..and I am REALLY trying focus doesn't come easy. I only have 2 classes to go and there more than half way finished. I know the work is easy and its even more easy with half of the answers being online somewhere, but for some reason I haven't been working as I know I could. If only I could find that work ethic I always seem to get when there's like 2 days of school left and I need to finish or I fail attitude I could finish them in less then a week. Once you actually sit own and do the work and stay focus one sees that it is not hard at all to do.

*Sighs* This is my life. T.T doomed to procrastination.

So yeah that's basically what I have been doing. Trying to focus on getting these classes finished but always getting sidetracked by things that aren't important. Sometimes I even sit down and waste time when I should be working trying to think of other things I should be doing. lol xD I also been thinking about college recently too...But yeah more on that later. I think I've ranted enough on this one post.

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