The Blame Game [poem]

Running around, pointing fingers
Because we don’t know where our fates linger
While the stars collide, and our problems coincide
The universe still vies for time, better lives more sublime

But it’s the blame game we’re playing,
Not the hands on the clock we should be slaying
This will be the way the end is, ticking away
Relentlessly, chipping down each and every day

We don’t know what to do, or where to go
So we play the blame game, even though
No one knows the truth, the light hidden by night
Out of the world’s sight, it lingers along with our fates

However it’s the time, not the people against us we should hate
Because it’s time we don’t exactly have,
We’re running around, pointing our fingers,
And we’re, well, playing the blame game

The blame game, it blinds us from what’s true, what’s really there
But I know we’ll pull through, pointing our fingers at the sky instead
At night, instead of ambushes, we’ll peacefully go to bed
And forget everything that happened while the stars collided

Playing the blame game, is only an illusion
That brings our lives out of light and into confusion
So promise me that you won’t play the blame game too
And stay by my side, watching the stars restlessly collide…
