The Worst Day Since Yesterday


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Let the fun begin.

So, after my wonderfully complex first task as an associate, I felt overly compelled to not take on another. But, seeing as I can't get to the Arcane University without completing these tasks, I'm pretty much stuck in the position of the Mage's guild's bitch. Weep for me.

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This will only end in sadness...

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My sadness.

Long story short, some kid has been harassing one of the younger female members. He took something of hers- a special staff thing- and now it's gotten out of hand. I guess the girl is all crying and has locked herself in her room trying to get away from the kid. If it were me, well, you can easily guess what I'd do. But, the members of this guild aren't of the homicidal persuasion.

Since I was directed not to even mention my actions to the girl, I had to find the idiot guy myself. It wasn't all that hard. He had a habit of hanging around the guild till the guard finally intervened. After that, they kept tabs on the boy. A little money goes a long way and thus I found the kid.

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This is why I don't ever intent to date guys.

He whined and whined about his "feelings" and his dreams of a future together and blah de blah de blah. To be honest, I just tuned him out till the he stopped talking. I don't want to sound racist, given that I have to deal with the same, but dark elves just get too emo about everything. It's like angst is a genetic staple in their youth. And then, when they are older, they just get more devious and whatnot.