Totally late...

I got out of bed groaning. Stupid Dark had been walking on my stomachs and licking my face.

"Ugh, just a few mo-" she cut me off withan urgent yip, and I shot up. "CRAP! School!" I shouted. Flying out of bed, I was eating, brushing my hair, and putting on school clothes at the same time. Then I was packing my stuff, brushing my teeth and putting on my shoes. Then Dark leapt into the specialized compartment in my bag and I was off and running.

I reached the school a minute or two late. Checking my schedual, I found myself in Kakashi sensei's History first hour. I skidded outside the door, composed myself, then walked in. The whole class looked over at me. A new girl had just taken her seat. Kakashi gave me his one eyed look.

"I'm so sorry sensei!" I said, using the puppy eyes. "I won't be late again! Promise!" He softened a bit, and nuggied my head. "OWOWOW!" I said.

"Just go sit down." I walked over to my seat in the back, next to Neji-kun. Setting my bag down, I got prepared for class.
