So far

I haven't been on this site in about a year. So here's what's new with me, I am now a college student and going to school full time. On winter break right now and just going with what ever comes my way. How are you?

An update

Hi all..its been a while..Hope all is well with you guys and im doing ok..Just working on school stuff and enjoying being a nerd!^^ Hope all is well with you guys

hi all!

so i havent posted in i thought i on summer break now!:) WOOT!XD just reading manga and birthday is coming up in 2 weeks! 16 at last! i cant wait! hope everythings good with you all!


so i havent done a post on here in forever!>.< but um theres really nothing that good going on..but im a little confused over guys at the monment but thats nothing all that yea so thats it!

bored and tired

i am really tired and bored! and i have been talking with this guy online hes really cool!and i like him alot!other than that not much has been happing with me because i boring like that!^^ laters