I'm so sorry...

This world here is supposed to be all about being a nice person and loving everyone, and here I go ranting on and on about how much I hate people and things...I'm really sorry. I don't hate people, I just think I do sometimes. I've been kind of unhappy lately, mainly because, as I've said, it hurts me to see those I care about in pain. And there are other things too. I'm kind of stressed out right now and trying to keep a lot of things straight. But I just want you to know that I'm really not that angsty and bitter. At least not usually. And I don't hate people, okay? I really do try to love everyone, or at least give everyone a chance. There are times when I'm really mad at people, and recently I have been, a lot. But I'm gonna try to follow my own advice and appreciate the people I have and just be a little less bitter.

I just wanted to say things have been a little better. My friend straightened out her argument with the person who said that thing to her. My other friend, well, he's nice to everyone no matter what they say, and he doesn't seem to let them get him down...I respect that. I'm also stressed because of some projects and tests at school and stuff...but if I start getting too bitter and harsh towards people ever again, well, either bear with me or virtually slap me back to my senses. Seriously, leave a comment like "*Slaps* STOP IT!" Okay? I'll try to be sweeter and nicer from now on. Sometimes I just have to vent, you know? Be patient with me, I can't be perfect and I get upset. But if I start being all endlessly negative and harsh, remember, virtually slap me back to my senses.
