*screams in delight*


YES!!! I am so happy, so excited, I swear that NOTHING can upset me right now. You see...

We got a call last night...yesterday, my aunt had her baby! It's a little girl! I LOVE BABIES! I now have four little cousins on that side of the family, but this is the first girl...if you don't count a couple of cousins by marriage, but we hardly see them.

And the best part? So...my brother and I weren't going to be allowed to go visit my grandparents on my mother's side this year, and I was thinking about how I was really going to miss all my little cousins...but now, for some reason, we'll be allowed to go. So I'll get to see all of them and the new baby! And I can't wait.

I'M SO HAPPY!!!!!THERE AREN'T ENOUGH EXCLAMATION POINTS TO EXPRESS IT!!!!The fist thing I did when I heard was run around screaming and jumping up and down...now I'm gonna go so I can tell my friend.
