Flooding, drowning

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There was a group of people fighting off forces from another planet, and I was with them. They battled and battled, but then I found a hide-out that was left by another long dead person, but luckily, there was furniture, food, and each of the windows were tinted. All of my comrade hid into the place with me & sister. We all stayed there for a while, and then we got news of a sudden flooding issue - an issue no one was able to fix - something that was most likely the result of the invaders that were fighting against us.

Slowly, the water started rising and we were left without a place to go to, and stayed there. Insidously, the water rised up and began pressing on the windows. In between these moments, I had flashbacks to times when I was with my mother, including one where I was outside, about to pick a plant for her, and even talking to the nieghtbors - happier times. Then I came back into the present. For some reason, everyone had left though I had no idea how, and the only ones there were my sister (who can't walk) and myself.

Fearing the worst, I called mother on the phone, frightened- because if something happened to me, I didn't want the last thing I said to her to be negative or insignificant. However, during the conversation, she left the phone for a moment, and I started sobbing and cried out for her. Soon, she came back - and as I sobbed I peered outside and realized that whatever was holding back the water from rapidly flooding had dissipated. The water started crashing down the streets with powerful force, but there was a boat nearby, a little far out in the waters bobbing up a down from the force of waters.

Frantically, I told mother what was happening and hung up, terrified, but still trying to think of a way to get to the boat. Then the windows caved in, I realized in horror that the water was already above the house, over the roof. That's when my last realization hit me: I wouldn't be able to carry my sister to the boat, because she couldn't walk, and I wouldn't be able to swim with her weight, carrying me down. I envisioned the water sweeping her away, and then was swept away myself.

This is another one of those nightmares where I woke up crying. I've no idea why I had but, but I know that it depressed the hell out of me.
