I got my tooth shaved today!

Isn't that just beyond awesome? XD, not really I suppose. Basically my jaw is completely misaligned, and one of my incisors was way too long and fang like (OMG I'M A VAMPIRE!) and was knocking against one of my bottom teeth and had actually succeeded in chipping the hell out of it. So I had to get it shaved. Goodbye vampire tooth! You will not be missed.
Anyways, I am back at school after a rather brilliant Christmas break that I did not want to end. Bernie got me a Sonic Screwdriver Mark VI for Hanukkah! IT IS BEYOND AWESOME. She also got me a shirt with David Tennant plastered across the front. This girl definitely knows what I love. XD
Anyways, school is as mind blunting as usual, and I wish I wasn't at it. Our band director is infuriating. I told him today that I couldn't make a specific jazz band performance and he told me he'd "think about it."
There's no thinking about it! I won't be there! Nothing you say will change that, even if you tell me you're not going to let me, I will still go to my orchestra performance over your jazz band performance. I am going to be making my living playing orchestra, I'm pretty sure this is more important to my career! Of course it doesn't help that I'm the only person in the school who can seem to play a trombone. Jeez... they sure know how to put my back up against the wall.
I want to write some more, but I can't seem to think of anything. lol, suggestions?
